Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 22 November 2000 [Archived]


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  • Scott Bradner
  • John Curran
  • Scott Marcus
  • Ray Plzak
  • Michael Straty
  • Dennis Molloy, ARIN counsel
  • Susan Hamlin, notetaker
  • Absent: David Conrad

Chairman of the Board John Curran, noting the presence of a quorum, called the meeting to order at 11:06 AM. The meeting agenda was adopted.

Removal of ARIN elected ASO AC member:

Background - David Meyer has not attended any meeting of the Address Council (AC) either in person or by telephone since he was elected to that position. The President of ARIN discussed the problem with David Meyer in Mid June 2000 and encouraged him to participate in the AC, but the situation did not change after the discussion. At the ARIN member meeting in October 2000 this matter was presented to the members. There was a general consensus of the members that David Meyer should no longer represent ARIN. The ARIN Board of Trustees declares that David Meyer is no longer a member of the Address Council on behalf of ARIN.

Scott Bradner moved:

That David Meyer be removed as an ARIN representative to the ASO AC, that the President of ARIN notify the Address Support Organization Secretariat of this action and request that David Meyer be removed from his role in the Address Council.

Scott Marcus seconded the motion. The chairman called for discussion, and subsequently called the motion to question. The motion passed by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, with one member absent (David Conrad).

Appointment of ARIN ASO AC Member:

Scott Bradner moved:

In order to fill the vacant ASO AC seat from the ARIN region, ARIN shall appoint the ASO AC nominee who was runner up in the most recent ASO AC election to serve out the term. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees asks that the President of ARIN contact Raimundo Beca and ask if he is willing to accept the appointment effective immediately.

John Curran seconded the motion. Following brief discussion the motion was called to question. The motion passed by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, with one member absent (David Conrad).

Update on ICANN Contract Draft

Ray Plzak reported on the current status of the ICANN draft contract, stating that he would send the latest version to the Board for review next week. At the same time he will send a copy to his counterparts at RIPE NCC and APNIC.

ARIN VII Meeting Announcement

Ray Plzak announced that Global Crossing would sponsor the spring ARIN VII meeting, to be held April 1-4, 2001 in San Francisco. In conjunction with this meeting, ARIN will host the ASO General Assembly meeting beginning on the afternoon of April 4.

December 14th Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda Items

John Curran asked that a discussion of ARIN’s current fee structure be added to the meeting agenda. Ray Plzak commented that he would bring to the meeting an analysis of alternatives to the existing structure.


Scott Bradner moved that the meeting adjourn at 11:30 AM. Ray Plzak seconded the motion, which then carried by a vote of 5 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, with one member absent (David Conrad).


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.