Happy Holidays from Agent Hex [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
Well, 2010 is almost over so I am taking a break to write my holiday letter. It’s been a great year, but boy am I exhausted. (Exhausted! Get it? Nothing breaks the ice like a little IPv4 depletion humor.)
Way back on 1 January, there were a whopping 26 of those IPv4 /8s left to hand out. Today we’re down to seven. And those last five go out all at once, one to each RIR, so when the next two are allocated the IANA pool will hit empty.
I’ve been on the road all year with ARIN staffers and volunteers spreading the word about IPv4 depletion and encouraging IPv6 adoption, talking to everyone who will listen. For starters, we’ve done:
27 Trade Shows
2 ARIN Meetings
2 ARIN on the Road Events
30+ Speaking Engagements
Then there are the countless events where you took our community slide deck and maybe some fact sheets and presented them to your colleagues, employees, conferences, pets, knitting circles, and book clubs.
With your help, we’ve spread the word throughout Canada, the United States, and the ARIN part of the Caribbean. With the help of the Number Resource Organization, we’ve covered most of the rest of the globe, too! A giant thank you for your help and support in this effort.
I’m thrilled with the amount of progress we’ve seen from major companies and governments. Here are just a few:
Comcast - http://www.comcast.net/
Cox - http://coxenterprises.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=1032
Facebook - http://www.v6.facebook.com
Google & YouTube - http://ipv6.google.com
Hurricane Electric - http://ipv6.he.net/
Netflix - http://ipv6.netflix.com/
U.S. Government - [http://www.cio.gov/documents/IPv6MemoFINAL.pdf ](http://www.cio.gov/documents/IPv6MemoFINAL.pdf)
Verizon - http://newscenter.verizon.com/press-releases/verizon/2010/verizon-begins-testing-ipv6.html
(Are we missing your news? Please let us know if you’ve made a public announcement that you’re IPv6 ready and we’ll add it to the list!)
Next year will bring the end of the IANA IPv4 free pool, but the work won’t be over. Since IPv4 and IPv6 will coexist for a while, we’ll still need to be out there talking to people about why deploying IPv6 now is important and how they can get started. You’ll see us at a few more trade shows, and a lot more speaking engagements. Check out the calendar for what’s on tap so far. That list grows almost daily, so keep checking back for an event near you. Or, if you are planning an event and want us to come, just let us know.
2011 is sure to be another great year for Team ARIN, and a key year in the history of the Internet as IPv4 address space finally depletes. Help us get ready by continuing to spread the word.
Happy Holidays!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.