Meet our Candidates and Make a Statement: Board and AC Need Your Support for Upcoming Elections [Archived]
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The ARIN 2011 election process has set sail. This October, ARIN Designated Member Representatives who are eligible to vote ((check your eligibility here) will elect two Board of Trustee members and five Advisory Council (AC) members. So far candidates have been approved by the Nominations Committee (NomCom) , and just last week, the petition period to add names to the ballot passed. On 30 September we will announce the final slate of candidates. Voting will be open from 12-22 October.
Who are the candidates and why do they want the job?
Good question! You can check out the initial slate of Board of Trustees candidates and their biographies , and while you are at it, view the biographies of the candidates running for positions on the Advisory Council . You can learn more about why the AC is important on our blog.
You may not be eligible to vote, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your voice heard–anyone can submit statements of support for candidates. Tell us who you’d like to see elected to the ARIN Board or AC, and share with the community why your favorite candidate deserves to be elected. Submit your statements of support for any of the candidates listed at the hyperlinks below.
Board of Trustees Statement of Support Advisory Council Statement of SupportA few statements have trickled in, but have we heard from you? Get your written statements in before voting begins on 12 October and tell the ARIN community who you believe are the best candidates for these crucial positions.
If you have questions or just want to know more about ARIN elections, visit Election Headquarters for the run-down on everything election-related or send an email to info@arin.net.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.