Deploying IPv6 & DNSSEC - What's the Holdup and How Can We Help? [Archived]
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Guest blog post by Megan Kruse
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who have already deployed the latest and greatest technologies, and those who need to.
Lots of folks (ARIN and the Internet Society included) have been touting the joys of IPv6 and DNSSEC for a long time, so I won’t bore you with the details of why they are so vitally important. Maybe you’ve already done it, in which case you have tons of hard-earned knowledge to share with the rest of the world. Or maybe you haven’t done it yet, and you’ve just been waiting for someone to ask you what you need and then cater to those needs.
We’re here to play matchmaker. Launched in January, the Internet Society Deploy360 Programme provides real-world IPv6 and DNSSEC deployment information to continue the conversation from “why do I need to do this” to “how, specifically, do I do this?” We cover both IPv6 and DNSSEC topics in a web portal with detailed, technical how-to documents, tutorials, case studies, etc., and follow that up with four ION Conferences a year, speaking engagements around the world, and constant social media interaction.
Through all of these channels, industry experts answer your specific questions and we, the Deploy360 team, then turn these real-world issues into guidance and technical resources for others to follow. We encourage direct feedback on what resources need to be added to the Deploy360 web portal and continue the ongoing dialogue about IPv6 and DNSSEC deployment.
And YOU can help!
If you’ve already deployed IPv6 or DNSSEC on your network, we’d love to chat with you to link to, or create, the following types of information:
Case Studies: We’d be happy to work with you on a written and/or video case study on how you deployed the new technology, your challenges, the business case you presented to management, results, benefits, etc.
Tutorials: Do you have a tutorial you made for your systems administrators/network engineers/etc. to walk them through the process? We’d love to share it to help others on their path.
Other Resources: Do you have training documents, best practices guidelines, videos, websites, or anything else you’d like to share to help others deploy new technologies faster?
If you haven’t deployed IPv6 or DNSSEC on your network yet, we’d love to chat with you, too! We already have a lot of in-depth resources for you to view and put into practice, but only you can tell us what’s missing.
Still need the basics, why these new technologies are important, and why you need to start today?
What do you need to get started? Is there a knowledge gap we can fill to help you on your way?
Are you stuck somewhere in the middle of the process? What technical how-to resources would get you moving again?
You’re busy. We get it. This industry moves fast and you’ve got your hands full keeping your networks updated and secure from the threat of the day. But these standards are the future of the Internet, and your organization must prepare if it wants to stay competitive in tomorrow’s IT world. Join us to help define how the global, nonprofit Internet Society can best serve your deployment information needs. We are here to listen and WILL produce the resources you need.
Talk to us in the comments below, talk to us on social media, talk to us at an ION Conference, talk to us in person; just let us know how we can help!
Megan Kruse
Outreach Manager
Internet Society Deploy360 Programme
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Any views, positions, statements or opinions of a guest blog post are those of the author alone and do not represent those of ARIN. ARIN does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or validity of any claims or statements, nor shall ARIN be liable for any representations, omissions or errors contained in a guest blog post.
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