#IPTransfer: Join Our Twitter Chat on the Implementation of the Inter-RIR Transfer Policy [Archived]
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As the available regional pools of IPv4 addresses continue to deplete, interest in inter-RIR IP address transfers is on the rise. On 31 July, ARIN implemented Policy ARIN-2011-1: ARIN inter-RIR Transfers.
This policy creates the opportunity for organizations to move address space between regions and removes boundaries from the growing IPv4 Transfer market.
ARIN-2011-1 was discussed extensively on the Public Policy Mailing List and at three consecutive ARIN Public Policy and Members Meetings and includes some of the following features:
IPv4 number resources may be released to ARIN by the authorized resource holder for transfer to another specifiedrecipient.
Organizations in the ARIN region may receive transferrednumber resources if they can demonstrate need for the resources according to current ARIN policies.
IPv4 address resources may be transferred to organizations in anotherRIR’s service region if they demonstrate need according to their own RIR’s policies.
Given the complexity of this policy and the high interest in this topic, there will be an opportunity to ask any questions about its implementation at ARIN.
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, 8 August at 2:30pm ET for our #IPTransfer Twitter Chat when we’ll aim to answer all of your questions about inter-RIR address transfers. @TeamARIN will moderate the chat and ARIN President and CEO, John Curran (@JCurranARIN), will provide responses.
There are plenty of ways for you to participate in the conversation. Here’s how:
Already have a question that you want answered? Simply email your question to ARIN@lewispr.com or ask us on Twitter @TeamARIN and we’ll try to include it during the chat.
During the chat, use the #IPTransfer hashtag to join the conversation live on Twitter. You can use #IPTransfer to comment on our questions and answers, or to ask your own in real-time.
If you don’t have a specific question in mind and you’re not sure you want to actively participate in the discussion but you’d like to learn more about inter-RIR transfers, feel free to just follow the conversation via the #IPTransfer hashtag.
Hope you can make it to this exciting Twitter chat! We look forward to answering your questions!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.