Interop Las Vegas: IPv6 is a Sure Bet [Archived]
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Last week, ARIN participated in Interop Las Vegas, home of the network virtuosos, and we were delighted to hear that hardware vendors are not just implementing IPv6 compatibility for their network equipment, some are even putting IPv6 compatibility in their sales pitches! The world is becoming increasingly aware of the need for IPv6, and we are thrilled to see Interop folks leading the way.
With each new Interop show, we have been pleased at the steady increase in IPv6 awareness, but this year takes the cake! Not only did we have a record number of visitors at the ARIN booth, but many attendees stopped by specifically to update us on their IPv6 progress and to seek advice to keep their growing pains to a minimum.
Most show-goers were well versed in the need to deploy IPv6, thanks in part to the extensive trade show outreach conducted in recent years by ARIN staff, our social media and Public Policy Meeting marketing, and good old word of mouth. We were pleased to see that the Interop agenda included two IPv6-centric sessions to get attendees’ tuned in to the urgent need to dual-stack their networks and prepare for the future.
The IPv4 global free pool depleted over a year ago, and our friends at RIPE NCC and APNIC are managing the distribution of their final /8s. ARIN is not far behind, but common refrain we heard from attendees was a concern that they have delayed work on IPv6 because they thought it was hard to get. We were happy to let then know that obtaining an IPv6 address block from ARIN is actually a simple and straightforward process.
We were overjoyed to hear so much IPv6 discussion at the Interop show, but we know that Interop does not represent the entire Internet technical community. If you work for or know of an organization that is not on the path to deploying IPv6, let us know! We are happy to help you get them up to speed with informational presentations, handouts, videos, etc. We can even provide a speaker to present to them in-person. Simply put, an IPv4-only website is only on a subset of the Internet, and is invisible to any IPv6-only networks or users, a rapidly growing group. When it comes to IPv6 adoption, there is no time like the present, and we are here to help you get started.
If you are interested in obtaining your first IPv6 block, visit ARIN’s resource request section and see just how easy it can be to get your initial allocation or assignment. Once you are ready to get your feet wet, check out our IPv6 Wiki and last year’s IPv6 Summer Reading List blog for helpful advice, informative presentations, and real-world IPv6 adoption stories. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at info@arin.net.
A big thank you goes out to all those who came to us with great feedback and questions, and we will see you at Interop New York this October!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.