Big Strides from the Big Apple: Interop New York 2013 [Archived]
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ARIN carried its IPv6 messaging north to Manhattan for the 2013 Interop New York IT Conference and Expo. This year, the Interop expo was conveniently collocated with the 2013 Ethernet & SDN Expo, which resulted in a surge of first-time visitors to the ARIN booth. Our message remained the same; IPv4 alone will simply not sustain the Internet for the future, and customer growth will require IPv6 adoption. While we were able to enlighten a number of passers-by, the majority of visitors were preparing to take the next step, and had questions about adoption tactics and practices that can get them up to speed.
An increasing number of organizations are making IPv6 adoption a priority. Research indicates that over two percent of North American Internet traffic is over IPv6, and that number has doubled every nine months on average. In the time between setting your organization’s 2014 and 2015 network operation budget, IPv6 traffic will likely more than double, and ARIN’s free pool of IPv4 address space will become even more scarce.
The ARIN booth saw some individuals wishing to help organizations with IPv6 adoption directly, and many more seeking that assistance from anywhere they can muster it. For both parties, ARIN has provides an IPv6 wiki where those familiar with IPv6 adoption practices can share stories, exchange helpful hints, and get on the road to making IPv6 a reality throughout their network.
A special shout out to those of you who came to the booth asking specifically how you can help spread the IPv6 word! Visit our TeamARIN Spread the Word Page to find out how you can help your friends, colleagues, and customers learn more about the role of IPv6 in the Internet’s future growth. As always, if you have any questions about ARIN, IPv6, or how you can get involved, drop us a line at info@arin.net.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.