ARIN 32 Full Recap: Public Policy Meeting [Archived]
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It was a great two days at ARIN 32, and we’d like to thank the nearly 200 individuals who joined us in-person and remotely for our most recent Public Policy and Members Meeting in Phoenix.
We were happy to see insightful, open discussions among the diverse ARIN meeting attendees, representatives and leaders. Here’s a quick recap of all of the action:
Policy Discussions & ARIN Updates
It wouldn’t be an ARIN meeting without a little policy discussion. Participants provided a lot of insightful feedback during the policy discussion blocks on topics like RIR Principles, merging IPv4 ISP and End-User Requirements and allocating IPv4 and IPv6 Address Space to Out-of-region Requestors.
We also heard from ARIN staff and speakers from across the global Internet community who provided updates and the latest news from our, fellow RIRs, IANA, IAB/IETF, NRO, and the ARIN Board, Advisory Council and management team. Don’t worry; if you missed any of the presentations, you can find all of the slides from the public policy and members portion of the meeting on our website. And the full meeting report, including video archives and transcripts will be posted soon.
ARIN Elections
One key thing that happened at ARIN 32 was the opening of this year’s ARIN Elections. The NRO Number Council, Advisory Council, and Board of Trustees candidates offered remarks about why they should get your vote. If you are an eligible voter and you still haven’t voted and want more information about the candidates, video clips are available on our YouTube channel and detailed candidate questionnaires are up on our TeamARIN site.
So don’t forget to cast your vote before the polls close on 20 October at 5pm EDT!
Overall it was great to see such informed, engaged participation from our members last week. To see even more photos, we’ve got a full Facebook album that captures all the activity from the meeting, including networking opportunities for attendees, presentations like Vint Cert’s delivery of the Board of Trustees Report, and even a little Go Kart racing at the Octane Raceway.
For those of you who participated (in-person or remotely), don’t forget to take our meeting survey and provide feedback about what you thought of the meeting. Also let us know the duration and frequency of how you’d like to see future ARIN meetings with this Survey to weigh in on the future format.
Next ARIN Meeting
Here’s hoping we see you next time at ARIN 33 in Chicago!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.