Daily Recap 2: ARIN 33 Public Policy Meeting [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

Another day here at ARIN 33 in the Windy City of Chicago, and it breezed by rather quickly. Instead of a long-winded explanation, this short daily recap should help you get up to speed.
A record number of policies were covered during this Public Policy Meeting. In total, a whopping 14 policies were on the docket. Today, the seven draft policies that were added to that count included:
ARIN-2014-3: Remove 8.2 and 8.3 and 8.4 Minimum IPv4 Block Size Requirements
ARIN-2014-9: Resolve Conflict Between RSA and 8.2 Utilization Requirements
ARIN-2014-2: Improving 8.4 Anti-Flip Language
ARIN-2014-1: Out of Region Use
ARIN-2014-8: Alignment of 8.3 Needs Requirements to Reality of Business
ARIN-2014-12: Anti-hijack Policy
ARIN-2014-11: Improved Registry Accuracy Proposal
All of these discussions will be posted online in webcast, complete transcript, and abbreviated note form in the upcoming weeks, but in the meantime you can refer to the presentation slides already posted on the ARIN website.
Besides policy discussions, we blew through a few other agenda items as well. An NRO global coordination activities update included details on ICANN discussions, I* collaboration, NETmundial, and /1net. We heard from the NRO Number Council and ICANN ASO on the status of global policy proposals of which there are none at this moment. We also viewed many worldwide Internet number resources statistics on ASN, IPv4, and IPv6 allocations and assignments. Rounding out the day, a call for questions on recent Internet governance topics like the NTIA announcement to transition the IANA functions was issued, and an interesting conversation resulted. We finished with a lively open microphone session that covered a range of topics from encouraging adoption of IPv6 to community participation in ARIN processes.
Again, we enjoyed seeing your tweets about the meeting using the #ARIN33 hashtag. Keep them coming. A few of our favorites from today:
#ARIN33 discussing policy regarding IPv6 prefix hijacking based based on a study http://t.co/qjbN3C773Z
— Tom Kacprzyński (@tomkac_net) April 15, 2014
Would love to see this number skyrocket. RT @TeamARIN 45% of ARIN members have both #IPv4 and #IPv6 #ARIN33
— Kevin Otte (@nivex) April 15, 2014
#ARIN33 now debating elimination of limits on the size of transferred number blocks https://t.co/U9h89P35oI
— Milton Mueller (@miltonmueller) April 15, 2014
Don’t forget you can participate in the final day of ARIN 33 without even being physically present in Chicago with us, just take advantage of one of our many [remote participation options.](http://www.cvent.com/events/arin-33-public-policy-and-members-meeting/custom-18-dfe506556a5e4095a79c382c047a2f6e.aspx) See you tomorrow morning at 9 AM CDT for the Members Meeting portion of ARIN 33 (you don’t even have to be a member)!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.