ARIN Public Policy Discussions are heading to Baltimore [Archived]
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It has been a busy summer, and things show no sign of slowing in the world of the ARIN Policy Development. Soon you will have two opportunities to take part in the discussion of 10 policy proposals.
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2014-9: Resolve Conflict Between RSA and 8.2 Utilization Requirements
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-14: Removing Needs Test from Small IPv4 Transfers
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-20: Transfer Policy Slow Start and Simplified Needs Verification
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-16: Section 4.10 Austerity Policy Update
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-17: Change Utilization Requirements from last-allocation to total-aggregate
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-18: Simplifying Minimum Allocations and Assignments
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-19: New MDN Allocation Based on Past Utilization
Your first chance will be during the Public Policy Consultation (PPC) at NANOG 62 on 7 October 2014 from 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM EDT.
Full calendar on the 7th? How do things look on the 9th? You can join us for the ARIN 34 Public Policy Meeting, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT.
Can’t make it to Baltimore? Participating online can be equally rewarding. Anyone can view the live transcript and webcast on the ARIN website throughout the meeting, and registered remote participants can submit questions and comments alongside in-person attendees and raise a virtual hand during straw polls.
Full details about remote participation are available on the meeting websites.
I hope you will plan on joining us and add your voice to the discussion.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.