Help ARIN Shape Our New IPv6 Campaign [Archived]
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Have you ever had this conversation?
You: “Hey, did you know the Internet is running out of IP address space?"
Non-technical colleague: “No, really?”
You: “Yeah, IPv4 is running out, and we need to make sure we are planning to support IPv6. I think enabling our website may be the best place to start.”
We want to hear more about conversations like that. Did you get the buy-in you needed to move forward with an IPv6 transition, or did the idea fall flat? What could have made that conversation easier or more productive?
Looking ahead
In the next few weeks, ARIN will launch Get6, a new IPv6 campaign, aimed at content creators and members of the C-suite who don’t seem to understand why IPv6 is relevant. We think they ought to know about how this element of critical infrastructure stands to impact their success now that nearly all businesses depend on having a stable, reliable and accessible Internet presence.
The question is: How can we get all Internet movers and shakers to pay attention to IPv6 too?
That’s where you come in. We want to pick your brain on how to make the business case for IPv6. We will be hosting a one-hour conference call on Tuesday, October 28th at 4:00 PM EDT (UTC-05:00). We want to hear about your experiences telling your organization the value of IPv6, what challenges you face, and what ARIN can do to serve as a better resource as you make the IPv6 case to your colleagues.
This is your chance to help set us the course for our new Get6 campaign and work toward the overall goal of getting more mobile platforms and web content IPv6-enabled. If you are interested in joining, shoot us a quick email at get6@arin.net for the dial in information. We hope to talk to you soon!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.