Invitation to Review CRISP Draft Proposal [Archived]
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The ARIN Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) team members, along with our colleagues from each of the other four RIRs, are hard at work preparing the proposal to submit to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG). (Check here for background on the IANA Stewardship Transition) We’ve had four conference calls so far in addition to an initial face-to-face meeting. We held our most recent conference call yesterday on 18 December, and we are making good progress. The first draft of the Consolidated RIR IANA Transition Proposal is now available for review and comment. See the PDF of the Draft Response to the Internet Coordination Group Request for Proposals on IANA from the RIR community.
The draft addresses all six parts of the ICG’s RFP including:
Number Community’s Use of IANA
Existing, Pre-Transition Arrangements,
Proposed Post-Transition Oversight and Accountability Arrangements
Transition Implications
NTIA Requirements
Community Process
Key points in the proposed transition are:
Continue with ICANN as operator of the IANA function
Exchange a service-level agreement with ICANN as the IANA function operator on number resources
Establish a Review Committee with representatives from each RIR region
Discussion of this proposal will be held on the NRO global mailing list, so please [subscribe to ianaxfer@nro.net](https://www.nro.net/mailman/listinfo/ianaxfer) to provide your feedback on the first proposal from the numbers community.
For links to all documents and meeting notes please visit the NRO CRISP Team Page. Your comments on the first draft of the proposal are due by Monday, 5 Jan. 2015. The second draft of the proposal is scheduled to be published on 8 Jan. 2015 with the end goal of the submitting the final proposal to the ICG on 15 Jan. 2015. With these tight deadlines in mind, please take the time to review the proposal soon and provide your input to the mailing list.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.