Help ARIN Choose the Next Meeting Location [Archived]
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In your everyday life, you pick the music you want to listen to, choose which specialty coffee you want to drink, but what you may not realize, is that you can also help determine ARIN’s future meeting locations.
Recently, while sitting at my desk looking for a network connectivity sponsor for ARIN 39 (2-5 April 2017), I started receiving gentle nudges from two potential host cities asking us to make a decision. And as much as I would like to, I can’t do it without a little help from you. I thought it might be a good idea to tell you a little bit about how we determine the locations for the biannual Public Policy and Members Meetings, and maybe you and your organization will be inspired to get involved. So here it goes…
Long before a sponsor logo is stamped on a meeting giveaway – there is a team who puts in long hours establishing which cities to solicit offers from based on past history and geographical service area (no, we don’t just throw darts at a map), poring over proposals, reviewing our requirements against hotel offers, and making sure that all of the good stuff you want to see and do in a particular city can be accommodated. Once we have identified a short list of hotels that can fulfill our meeting requirements, we work with our operations folks to make sure the hotel(s) understand and can handle our wireless network requirements – one of which is IPv6 capability. Then, we reach out to our community to secure a wireless network sponsor.
In a nutshell - Without a network sponsor, we can’t contract with a venue. So we need your help to decide which city and hotel to move forward with (if you are already in a particular venue – it’s a bonus). Sponsoring an ARIN meeting is truly your chance to “see and be seen” – have your colleagues using your network, see your logo on the mobile app and on conference signage, deliver a welcome address, etc.
If you feel like you or your company would like to be a wireless network sponsor, check out our ARIN Sponsorship Opportunities page for additional information. At the moment we are looking for potential network sponsors in New Orleans or Nashville. In the future it could be in your backyard.
And if you aren’t sure that sponsoring is your thing and want more details or just want to say “hi”—stop by and see me in Montreal, Quebec at ARIN 36. Maybe we can get coffee – and I’ll let you choose your own beverage.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.