ARIN Public Policy Consultation Coming to San Diego on 9 February [Archived]
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It’s official: 2016 is off and running! We have a lot planned for this year, but we’re kicking things off with a Public Policy Consultation (PPC) in just a couple weeks. We hope you’ll join us at ARIN’s first PPC of 2016 during NANOG 66 in San Diego, California on 9 February from 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM PST.
For those unfamiliar, the PPC is part of ARIN’s Policy Development Process (PDP); it is an open public discussion of number resource policy that absolutely anyone can attend (ARIN membership is not required).
The following draft policies will be discussed at the PPC as part of NANOG 66:
Draft Policy ARIN-2015-2: Modify 8.4 (Inter-RIR Transfers to Specified Recipients)
- Currently transfer recipients can become a transfer source only after a period of 12 months. Proposal would remove the 12-month restriction.
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2015-5: Out of region use
- Would allow requests for use outside the ARIN region.
Draft Policy ARIN-2015-7: Simplified requirements for demonstrated need for IPv4 transfers
- Would add another way for recipients in the ARIN region to qualify for an IPv4 transfer (show 50% use of all space within two years, with officer attestation).
- Post-IPv4 exhaustion clean-up.
Visit https://www.arin.net/ppcnanog66 for more information, including how to register for this free event. Keep in mind that if you are already registered for NANOG 66, you do not need to register for the ARIN PPC separately. If you wish to attend only the ARIN PPC, you must register using the link above.
Can’t make it to San Diego? Remote participation is available and can be equally rewarding. Anyone can view the live transcript and webcast on the ARIN website throughout the meeting, and registered remote participants can submit questions and comments alongside in-person attendees and raise a virtual hand during straw polls.
We hope to see you there, either in-person or remotely!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.