IPv6 and Adventures in Podcastland [Archived]
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6 June 2016 marked the fourth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, and looking back we have made pretty significant progress since then, with Google reporting that the percentage of users that access Google over IPv6 is now up to 12%. To commemorate the occasion, Dan York, of the Internet Society, invited me to join him on the For Immediate Release Podcast where he was serving as guest host. This provided an excellent opportunity to talk a little bit about why communications professionals should care about IPv6 and to direct anyone interested in learning more to our Get6 campaign. As a communications professional and ARIN employee, I think it is pretty easy to see where I might have a few things to say on the subject!
Check out the podcast (the discussion about IPv6 begins at minute 37:30): http://firpodcastnetwork.com/fir-38/
Communicators need to be thinking about how they’re serving up their content and how they are connecting with people. You are going to have customers coming in over an IPv6 connection, and if you don’t have IPv6 in addition to IPv4 for your website, there are things happening in the background that may degrade their experience with your content.
I appreciated the opportunity to chat with Dan and the other panelists about a range of topics including Snapchat, Periscope, tronc, and Mary Meeker’s recently released report on 2016 Internet Trends. Big thanks to Dan, C.C. Chapman, and Kami Huyse for making me feel right at home on my first podcast adventure!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.