ARIN 38 Daily Recap 1 [Archived]
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The ARIN 38 Public Policy and Members Meeting in Dallas, Texas has begun. We’ve already had several interesting policy discussions with more on the way tomorrow. If you missed it, here’s a recap of what happened today and quick look at what you’re tweeting.
A Newcomer Orientation kicked off the program on Wednesday afternoon. First time meeting attendees learned more about what to expect over the next couple of days. Thursday morning the day began with a warm welcome from ARIN’s President and CEO and then a staff Policy Implementation and Experience Report. Then the Advisory Council Chair presented on-docket proposals, which included the following six policies for today:
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2015-2: Modify 8.4 (Inter-RIR Transfers to Specified Recipients)
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2016-1: Reserved Pool Transfer Policy
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2016-2: Change timeframes for IPv4 requests to 24 months
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2016-4: Transfers for new entrants
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2016-5: Post-IPv4-Free-Pool-Depletion Transfer Policy
In addition to policy discussions, we also had two reports, one an overview of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) activities and another on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council. During lunch attendees had the option to discuss ongoing topics of interest ranging from how can we expand ARIN diversity and participation to how inter-RIR transfers are working. For the first time, we also held a women’s networking lunch for attendees to connect with one another and share common experiences. In the afternoon, we heard speeches from ARIN election candidates as the polls opened. If your organization is an ARIN member, and you are the voting contact, be sure to cast your ballot in the NRO NC, Board, and Advisory Council elections.
After candidate speeches, AC members not running for reelection – Cathy Aronson, Milton Mueller, and Kevin Blumberg were recognized for their many years of service on the Advisory Council. Board member, Vint Cerf, also not seeking reelection, received a standing ovation for his outstanding contributions to the ARIN community as member and chairman of the ARIN Board.
Throughout the meeting we’ve been tweeting with the hashtag #ARIN38 and hope you will too. Here’s a sample of what you’ve been saying so far:
Last show of hands for the day on series of IPv4 transfer policies in the ARIN region #ARIN38 pic.twitter.com/8hta4iTqgG
— izumi okutani (@izoku) October 20, 2016
I wish all public policy change discussions were conducted like it has been at #ARIN38. Collegial, informed, with a diversity of opinion.
— Your Girl Friday (@juliefriday) October 20, 2016
Who defines the ARIN Policies? We do! Find out more about how the ARIN Policy Development Process works: https://t.co/w6dJAmnndL #ARIN38
— SF-Bay ISOC (@sfbayisoc) October 20, 2016
@packetgrrl rockin' her IETF talk @TeamARIN #ARIN38
— Mc Tim (@_McTim) October 20, 2016
Getting ready for #ARIN38 #TEAMARIN @ISOCPR
— Alfredo Calderon (@acalderon52) October 20, 2016
Really enjoyed meeting a ton of interesting and cool people at #ARIN38 last night. Look forward to more of it this afternoon.
— Nihilistic Networker (@scarynetworkguy) October 20, 2016
Thanks @TeamARIN for enabling me to attend #ARIN38 #Dallas #Texas
— Kathleen Monk (@kathleenmonk) October 19, 2016
About time I made #newcomer session #ARIN38 w/my first mtg #arin8 – glad to mentor @DustinRPhillips for his 1st #ARIN @TeamARIN pic.twitter.com/mXkWr7FUqY
— Ron da Silva (@ron2twit) October 19, 2016
Some #ARIN38 Fellows and #ISOC San Francisco and Puerto Rico with Vint Cerf and John Curran @TeamARIN pic.twitter.com/Oyjr0kq14b
— Internet Society PR (@isocpr) October 20, 2016
The day concluded with an open microphone session for anyone to speak up on any topic. If you’d like to refer to anything you’ve heard today, today’s slide decks are already available and in the next few days the meeting webcast archives, transcripts, and summary notes will be posted as well. Please plan on returning again tomorrow morning for more great sessions starting at 9 AM CDT whether you’re with us in the Lone Star State in person or you’re in the comfort of your own living room via remote participation online.
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.