ARIN 41 Day 2 Daily Recap [Archived]
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And we’re back! After a busy day of networking, policy discussions, and a gorgeous Miami sunset yesterday, we were ready to dive into day two of ARIN 41. With lots of exciting topics on the agenda, we want to share the highlights from today’s meeting.
What’s going down in the 305?
After we heard opening announcements from John Curran, Kevin Blumberg, Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council (NC) Member, presented the NRO Number Council Report. (We really do love our “numbers” here at ARIN!) Following this report was the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Report presented by Louie Lee, Vice Chair of the NRO NC. We learned about the current work status of the IANA, their 2017 transactions, and 2017 report conclusions. He ended his report by discussing the importance of community input and opened the floor for discussion.
Next on the agenda was the first recommended draft policy of the day, presented by John Springer, ARIN Advisory Council (AC) Member:
After the policy discussion, ARIN’s Chief Engineer, Andy Newton, presented the current state of Registry Data Access Protocol (RDAP). We learned that after three years, all five of the RIRs have deployed RDAP. He ended the presentation by discussing what the future holds for RDAP in the ARIN region and beyond.
We then heard updates from our fellow Regional Internet Registries to learn about what’s going on in their respective regions. First up was Ernest Byaruhanga, Policy Officer, from AFRINIC. We learned that AFRINIC has entered Phase 1 of IPv4 exhaustion and their focus is now on increasing IPv6 deployment. Oscar Robles, LACNIC CEO, was up next. He covered three main topics in his presentation including LACNIC’s Excellence in Internet Number Resource Management, their commitment to a secure, stable, open, and continuously growing Internet, and the ways they are promoting and enriching a participatory, bottom-up Internet governance model.
Upon returning from a short break, ARIN AC Member, Andrew Dul, presented the next recommended draft policy up for discussion.
After the discussion, we returned to Paul Wilson, APNIC’s Director General. He discussed recent projects, policies, trainings, and events that APNIC has been busy with. He also shared IPv4 and IPv6 statistics for their region. Last, but certainly not least, for the RIR updates was Axel Pawlik, Managing Director for RIPE NCC. He shared information about their membership growth, training and outreach programs including their new Educa webinars, current policy proposals, and their plans for the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will be implemented in the European Union this coming May.
Kim Davies, President of Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), offered an informative presentation about what the IANA/PTI are up to. He shared updates on their recent customer satisfaction survey, the KSK Rollover, and other ongoing projects. We also learned that if the IANA does not receive additional returned IPv4 addresses, the last allocation to the RIRs from the recovered pool will take place in March 2019.
Following that presentation, Senior Director of Communications and Member Services at ARIN, Susan Hamlin, put out a call for IPv6 Case Studies. If you’re interested in participating in a case study, let us know! We would love to feature your IPv6 story to help others Get6.
After enjoying lunch, we returned to the Internet Number Resource Status Report presented by John Sweeting, Senior Director of Registration Services. He shared IPv4, IPv6 and ASN statistics for each RIR.
Amy Potter, ARIN AC Member, presented the next recommended draft policy, which led to a lively discussion:
Transfer Services Manager, Cathy Clements, was up next with a Transfers Update and provided statistics and shared some of her best tips for submitting a transfer in ARIN Online. Nate Davis, ARIN COO, shared the ARIN Software Development Update. He discussed the recent projects we’ve completed and detailed a few of our upcoming and ongoing initiatives including the IRR consultation, RDAP enhancements and more.
Richard Jimmerson, ARIN CIO, was up next to show off the first of three previews for the new ARIN website. In case you haven’t heard, we are working to completely revamp www.arin.net! If you’re interested in helping us with the redesign, there is still time to participate in this tree test and/or providing input directly on our website redesign preview.
Next up on the agenda was the final draft policy discussion of the meeting, presented by ARIN AC Member, Chris Tacit:
Bevil Wooding, Caribbean Outreach Liaison, gave the final presentation of the day with updates on our activities in the Caribbean. He was proud to report that we’ve had over 200 participants at ARIN in the Caribbean events so far and gave a preview into upcoming events we’ll be holding in the Caribbean.
We ended the day with an open mic session. We look forward to seeing everyone at our Members Meeting tomorrow morning. Remember, CaribNOG 15 begins in the early afternoon tomorrow too!
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Can #RDAP solve issues related to data privacy? That is what @TeamARIN Ing presents this morning. #ARIN41 pic.twitter.com/NSGNGQkzQX
— Blaise Arbouet (@ArbouetB) April 17, 2018
Update on @ICANN @kjd at @TeamARIN #arin41 – yup @theiana still works.. pic.twitter.com/cQAapjgBgt
— Ron da Silva (@ron2twit) April 17, 2018
#ARIN41 Policy Meeting underway in Miami. Great representation from the #Caribbean webcast: https://t.co/8inUgmImOC pic.twitter.com/vGM8YflJNS
— Bevil Wooding (@bevilwooding) April 17, 2018
Participamos en #ARIN41 con una presentación de las noticias más recientes de la comunidad de @LACNIC pic.twitter.com/42472l5e99
— Oscar Robles-Garay (@oscarrobles) April 17, 2018
There are opportunities to push for IPV6 assignment in the @lacnic and @afrinic regions. #ARIN41
— Blaise Arbouet (@ArbouetB) April 17, 2018
@bevilwooding of #ARIN gives Caribbean update at ARIN41 @CaribNOG pic.twitter.com/2S32nkEL7F
— Albert Daniels (@danielsah) April 17, 2018
John Springer – great job presenting policy this morning at #ARIN41. Our @Ipv4G team is on site in Miami. Get in touch to meet, https://t.co/YJEMYURG7n @TeamARIN pic.twitter.com/PvxfEVQNJq
— Hilco Streambank (@streambank) April 17, 2018
Missed day one of ARIN 41? Check out yesterday’s recap: ARIN 41 Day 1 Daily Recap
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.