ARIN Bits: June 2018 [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
We’re diving into summer with a productive second quarter behind us! In this edition of ARIN Bits, you’ll learn about our new fee schedule, the ARIN fellowship program, key election dates, our 2017 annual report, tips from our Registration and Financial Services teams, and more. Did you miss last quarter’s edition? You can find all past editions on our ARIN Bits page.
New Fee Schedule Effective 1 July
At its 24 May 2018 meeting, the ARIN Board of Trustees adopted a new fee schedule effective 1 July 2018. The new fee schedule reflects proposed modifications and community feedback collected from both the ARIN 41 Public Policy and Members Meeting as well as the Community Consultation that concluded on 25 May 2018. New fees will be reflected in invoices due on and after 1 July 2018. Have a question? Take a look at our Fee Schedule FAQ page.
Join us in Vancouver as a fellow!
Our next Public Policy and Members Meeting (PPMM), ARIN 42, will be held in Vancouver, BC from 4-5 October 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Registration will open in the coming weeks!
Applications are currently being accepted for our Fellowship Program to attend ARIN 42 with the option to attend NANOG 74 from 1-3 October. Apply now through 5:00 PM EDT on Wednesday, 11 July 2018. Not sure what a fellowship entails? Take a look at our Fellowship Corner to meet our former fellows and hear about their experiences first hand.
Nominations for ARIN Elections Open 2 July
Beginning 2 July, ARIN Trustees and representatives from our General Members in Good Standing are cordially invited to nominate candidates for seats on the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) to serve three-year terms beginning 1 January 2019.
To view the initial requirements and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees and/or Advisory Council, please visit the pages below:
Also, remember to update or establish your Voting Contact by 20 August! Be sure to mark all key election dates this year.
July Outreach Events
We’ll be speaking about IPv6 at the EDCO New Technology Briefing in Montreal on 14 July. Attend this free program sponsored by Enterprise Data Center Operators (EDCO).
We’ll also have a booth at the CANTO 34th Annual Conference & Trade Exhibition in Panama City, Panama 22-25 July. Come visit us and let’s talk about how we can provide you Internet number resources and other services!
Our 2017 ARIN Annual Report is now available!
The report includes:
An overview of our mission, services, and structure
Updates from our President & Chief Executive Officer and Board of Trustees Chairman
A summary of 2017 accomplishments from our Chief Operations Officer and Service Level Report
Department highlights and Internet Governance participation report
A recap of 2017 outreach events and public policy discussions
An overview of our Policy Development Process (PDP) and Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM) changes
Activity reports from the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and NRO Number Council
Internet number resource statistics for 2017 and historical activity
View the full annual report. The 2017 Auditor’s Report is also available.
We have a few policy proposals under discussion, including:
Pending Board of Trustees Review:
ARIN-2017-3: Update to NRPM 3.6: Annual Whois POC Validation
ARIN-2017-8: Amend Community Networks
ARIN-2017-10: Repeal of Immediate Need for IPv4 Address Space (NRPM Section
ARIN-2017-12: Require New POC Validation Upon Reassignment
ARIN-2017-13: Remove ARIN Review Requirements for Large IPv4 Reassignments/ Reallocations
Recommended Draft Policies:
- ARIN-2018-1: Allow Inter-regional ASN Transfers
Draft Policies:
ARIN-2018-2: Clarification to ISP Initial Allocation and Permit Renumbering
ARIN-2018-3: Remove Reallocation Requirements for Residential Market Assignments
ARIN-2018-4: Clarification on IPv6 Sub-Assignments
Editorial changes under discussion:
Reallocation and Reassignment Language Cleanup (formerly Draft Policy ARIN-2017-11)
Correct References to RWhois (formerly ARIN-prop-251)
You can find the status of current policy discussions and subscribe to ARIN-PPML (Public Policy Mailing List) to voice your opinions. And remember, membership is not required to participate!
In May we added some new features to ARIN Online:
We completed a number of infrastructure improvements and performed multiple bug fixes.
Pages and processes in ARIN Online were improved and streamlined, including:
Separate IP address request flows were created for ISPs and end users.
On the View & Manage Network page, the Parent Org name now appears in the Parent field next to the network link.
The pages to recover Point of Contact records and Org IDs were improved.
The Organization POC Info page was revised, and an option to Manage Organization POCs was added to the Actions menu on the Organization Record page.
The Request ASN, Organization Record, Request Membership, and Edit Org Name pages were revised.
ASNs in the ASN Number to Name file at ftp://ftp.arin.net/info/ are now listed individually, instead of in ranges. (ACSP 2017.18)
Fee invoice attachments have been revised to include how to obtain additional information, such as a list of resources covered under the invoice. (ACSP 2017.5)
Our Featured Policy Requirement:
Did you know that under NRPM 8.5.7: Alternative Additional IPv4 Address Block Criteria , if you are utilizing at least 80% of your currently allocated/assigned IPv4 addresses, you may qualify to receive one or more transfers of IPv4 addresses equal to your current holding (maximum of a /16 equivalent in any six-month period)?
A Tip from Our Registration Services Department:
Do you have an old reassignment/reallocation from an ISP you are no longer working with and would like it removed? Please review the documented process outlined on our website for the Removal of Stale Reassignment / Reallocation Records.
A Tip from Our Financial Services Department:
Transfer Processing Fee (TPF): Invoice and Payment Facts:
Each transfer request will be invoiced a $300 US fee, billed to the source (or legal successor) organization
Payment of the TPF is required before the review process can begin
The payment is non-refundable and does not guarantee approval of a transfer request
The TPF is waived when the subject resources are under an existing Registration Services Plan (RSP), and no specific transfer processing fee will be charged to the recipient-side organization for 8.3 and 8.4 transfers.
For each transfer approved, the recipient organization:
-Must have an updated and executed Registration Services Agreement
-May be subject to an initial fee(s)
Transferred resources are also subject to annual fees as stipulated by the Fee Schedule.
Check out these Customer and Member Statistics (As of 31 May 2018)
5,783 member organizations
758 8.3 transfers and 67 8.4 transfers completed YTD 2018
8.4 transfers completed YTD 2018: 31 to APNIC, 5 from APNIC, 26 to RIPE NCC, 4 from RIPE NCC
57.6% of members have an IPv6 block
Here are a few helpful IPv6 links:
Dedicated IPv4 block to facilitate IPv6 Deployment – under this policy, ARIN set aside a contiguous /10 IPv4 block for allocations and assignments justified by immediate IPv6 deployment requirements. This block is subject to a minimum size allocation of /28 and a maximum size allocation of /24.
Software Developers Guide to Writing and Migrating Network Applications for Use on IPv6 Networks
Catch up on our recent posts:
We’ll see you next quarter, have a great summer!
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.