ARIN 34 Public Policy Meeting Notes - Thursday, 9 October 2014 [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
Opening And Announcements
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
- Introductions - Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC), ARIN Management Team, Meeting Fellows, and RIR colleagues
- Meeting Attendee Overview - Total attendees: 187 (eight from Canada, 187 from the US, 30 from outside the ARIN region, 18 registered remote participants)
- Sponsor acknowledgement
- First Timers’ Orientation Recap (Raffle Winner: Bayani Lara, Advance Science and Technology Institute)
- Overview of meeting rules
- Discussion moderator: Vinton G. Cerf, Chair, ARIN Board of Trustees
- Overview of Agenda and Meeting Materials
Attendees present in session room: approximately 180
Remote participants present: approximately seven
Unique webcast views: 255
IPv6 IAB/IETF Activities Report
Speaker: Cathy Aronson, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
- IEPG overview
- Technical plenary overview
- ISOC Briefing Panel overview
- ICN Research Group overview
- Softwire overview
- V6 Operations overview
- Network Management Research Group
- UCAN BOF overview
- IP Over the TSCH mode of IEEE802.15.4e
- Delay Tolerant Networks BOF overview
- Admin Plenary overview
- NTIA Transition overview
- V4 Sunsetting overview
- Dynamic Host Configuration overview
- DNS Operations (DNSOP) overview
- HOMENET overview
- Global Routing Ops (GRO) overview
- Impact of current StateLess Address Autoconfiguration (SLAC) standards on future discussions
Policy Implementation and Experience Report
Speaker: Leslie Nobile, Registration Services Director, ARIN
Presentation: PDF
- Purpose of the Policy Experience Report
- Policy Discussions
- NRPM 6.5.2./ – Initial Allocation to LIRs/Size
- NRPM “Fulfilling unmet needs”
- Temporary Assignment Policy (potential new policy)
- NRPM 6.5.2 Review
- Question for the community regarding moving minimum allocations to a /40
- NRPM Review
- Question for the community regarding policy affecting 8.3 and potentially 8.2 transfers
- Temporary Assignment Policy overview
- Clarification regarding the potential fee structure reconfiguration
- Question regarding the current waiting list policy and the problem statement behind the proposed temporary assignment
- Concern regarding practical application of temporary assignments
- Request for data regarding temporary assignment requests received
AC On-docket Proposals Report
Speaker: John Sweeting, Chair, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
- ARIN Policy Development Process (PDP) overview
- AC Docket overview
- One Recommended Draft Policy
- Nine Draft Policies
- Two Proposals
- Lunch Table Topics
- 2014-14 and 2014-20 Transfers
- 2014-17 Change Utilization Requirements from last-allocation to total-aggregate
- 2014-1 Out of Region Use
- Post-exhaustion policy simplification roadmap
There were no comments or questions from the floor following this presentation.
Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2014-9: Resolve Conflict Between RSA and 8.2 Utilization Requirements
Introduction: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Speaker: Heather Schiller, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
Staff Introduction Highlights:
- History of the Recommended Draft Policy
- Staff understanding overview
- Staff comments overview
- Legal assessment
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement
- What ARIN-2014-9 solves
- Whois accuracy
- NRPM 8.2 conflict with RSA
- Removes defunct reference to “aggregatng” space
- Proposed solution
- Unchanged sections
- History recap
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Considerable support for the proposal as written
- Clarification regarding open-ended timeframe with regard to resource transfers
- Question regarding this proposal’s impact on fraud claims regarding transfers
- Clarification regarding the problem statement at hand
Straw poll of attendees and remote participants for/against proposal as written:
- Total attendees/remote participants: 168
- In favor: 64
- Against: 0
Poll results were provided to the Advisory Council for use in its deliberations.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-6: Remove 7.1 [Maintaining In-ADDRs]
Speaker: Robert Seastrom, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement
- Policy statement
- Discussion overview
- Existing NRPM 7.1 text
- Existing NRPM 6.5.6 text
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Concern regarding the inclusion of changes to NRPM 6.5.6
- Clarification regarding the overall impact of the Draft Policy
- Proposal that 7.1 be simplified rather than removed
- Question regarding how Reverse DNS responsibility is handled in the RSA
- Concern regarding the impact of removing changes to 6.5.6
- Clarification regarding staff’s implementation plans for this Draft Policy
- Clarification regarding the potential need for ISPs to offer DNS Delegation to all customers
A poll was not conducted as the Draft Policy was not deemed to be in the proper state to solicit feedback.
ARIN-2014-15: Allow Inter-RIR ASN Transfers
Speaker: Scott Leibrand, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement
- Draft Policy history
- Draft Policy text
- Staff assessment
- Discussion points
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Clarification regarding the difficulty involved in ASN transfers between regions
- Clarification regarding whether the Draft Policy impacts organization-to-organization transfers or RIR-to-RIR transfers
- Clarification regarding the impact and work involved in implementing ASN transfers between regions
- Question regarding the potential need for global policy to support this Draft Policy should it be adopted
Straw poll of attendees and remote participants for/against abandoning the Draft Policy:
- Total attendees/remote participants: 173
- In favor: 13
- Against: 23
Poll results were provided to the Advisory Council for use in its deliberations.
IANA Stewardship Transition Planning Process
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Presentation: PDF
Presentation Highlights:
- IANA Governance Changes
- Globalization of IANA Functions Oversight
- NTIA Conditions for Transition Proposal
- IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG)
- ICG Mission
- Stewardship Transition Timeline
- Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion of ICG process
- Clarification regarding ICG input vs individual participation
- Clarification regarding the openness and transparency of the ICG process
- Question regarding other collaborative proposals should they be presented to the NTIA
- IANA Governance Changes (cont.)
- ARIN region process overview
- Questions/Discussion of ARIN region process
- Request for a new, open mailing list regarding the ARIN region process
- Concern regarding regional handling of the overal transition process
- Clarification regarding the work involved in migrating to a global process
- Clarification regarding current global policy development and its speed
- Proposal that the NTIA deadline be moved to 2016
- Proposal that further development of the ARIN region process be put on hold until the remaining pieces of the global process have been outlined
- Proposal that ARIN proactively solicit input on the ARIN region process
- IANA Governance Changes (cont.)
- ARIN survey questions overview
- Questions/Discussion of ARIN survey questions
Proposal that the survey questions be broken out bullet-by-bullet
Proposal that the survey include a possiblity for free-form answers
Concern regarding the need for a survey in the ARIN region
- A quick poll of the room was taken regarding this matter, resulting in a substantial majority of participants being in favor of the survey.
ARIN Board & Advisory Council Election Procedures and Candidate Speeches
Speaker: Jud Lewis, ARIN Membership Coordinator
Presentation: PDF
- Voting process overview
- DMR eligibility
- Election calendar
- Voting via ARIN Online
- Voting without an ARIN Online account
- Ballot and vote weight overview
There were no comments or questions from the floor following this presentation.
Candidate Speeches
Advisory Council Candidate Speeches
All candidates were invited to state their qualifications in a short speech to the audience. Candidates who were present and spoke were (links to videos of each speech provided below):
- Daniel Alexander
- Kevin Blumberg
- Mike Burns
- Andrew Dul
- Robert Duncan
- David Farmer
- Nick Guy
- David Huberman
- Tim Kaufman
- Sean Kennedy
- Leif Sawyer
- Chris Tacit
Board of Trustees Candidate Speeches
All candidates were invited to state their qualifications in a short speech to the audience. Candidates who were present and spoke were (links to videos of each speech provided below):
- Timothy Denton
- Bernadette Lewis (pre-recorded video)
- John Sweeting
- Bill Woodcock
Software Development Update
Speaker: Nate Davis, ARIN Chief Operating Officer
Presentation: PDF
Presentation Highlights:
- Projects completed since the last ARIN
meeting - Initiatives to be deployed
- Influences in the prioritization process
- Project prioritization
There were no comments or questions from the floor following this presentation.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-14: Removing Needs Test from Small IPv4 Transfers
Speaker: John Springer, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement
- Policy statement
- Discussion overview
- Criteria to be met
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Request that the RSA requirement get its own bullet
- Clarification regarding IPv4 transfer workload as ARIN’s free pool depletes
- Concern regarding the possibility of small organizations hoarding more easily
- Concern regarding the removal of needs basis
- Concern regarding the /16 size specification
- Question regarding the percentage of organizations in the XXS fee category
- Concern regarding the impartialness of the Draft Policy to large and small organizations
- Potential for positive impact of the Draft Policy on the IPv4 transfer market
No poll was conducted.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-20: Transfer Policy Slow Start and Simplified Needs Verification
Speaker: Kevin Blumberg, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement overview
- Policy statement overview
- Discussion overview
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Concern regarding the problem statement and why a Draft Policy is needed to solve it
- Clarification regarding the Draft Policy’s impact on NRPM 8.2
- Concern regarding the length and complexity of the Draft Policy
- Clarification regarding the rationale for the Draft Policy’s complexity
No poll was conducted.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-1: Out of Region Use
Speaker: Milton Mueller, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement overview
- New section “X”
- Documentation overview
- Discussion overview
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Clarification regarding out of region use and its impact on current requests from staff
- Support for a lack of geolocation requirement in Internet number resource usage
- Support for the Draft Policy’s codification of existing practice
- Clarification on the intent of the Draft Policy for use when organizations request ARIN resources for complete use outside the ARIN region
- Concern regarding legal presences still being required in the implementation of the Draft Policy
- Concern regarding ARIN utilization requirements applying to other regions
- Concern regarding vagueness in the requirements should the Draft Policy move forward
No poll was conducted.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-16: Section 4.10 Austerity Policy Update
Speaker: Dan Alexander, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement
- High level changes
- Policy statement
- Community feedback overview
- Discussion overview
Discussion transcript- Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Concern about the Draft Policy’s potential to disincentivise IPv6 adoption among new entrants
No poll was conducted.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-17: Change Utilization Requirements from last-allocation to total-aggregate
Speaker: Andrew Dul, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement
- Policy statement
- Staff and legal review
- Ideas to mitigate staff/legal concerns
- Discussion overview
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Clarification regarding utilization requirements for overall vs. individual blocks
- Concern regarding mergers involving no IP addresses, and the required work needed before meeting utilization requirements and requesting additional space
- Concern regarding the lack of guidance for staff interpretation of the Draft Policy
- Request to have the Draft Policy moved to Recommended Draft Policy and brought before the community at a future PPC
- Clarification regarding the Draft Policy’s impact on MDN
No poll was conducted.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-18: Simplifying Minimum Allocations and Assignments
Speaker: Robert Seastrom, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement overview
- Policy statement overview
- Observations
- Mailing list feedback
- Discussion overview
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- General support for abandoning the Draft Policy
- Concern regarding flaws in the problem statement
- Concern regarding the irreparable nature of the text this Draft Policy seeks to fix
No poll was conducted.
Draft Policy ARIN-2014-19: New MDN Allocation Based on Past Utilization
Speaker: Andrew Dul, ARIN Advisory Council
Presentation: PDF
AC Presentation Highlights:
- Problem statement overview
- Issue with 2013-8
- Policy text
- Summary
Discussion transcript -Questions/Discussion Topics:
- Concern regarding the overall necessity of the Draft Policy
- Concern that while the existing text needs repair, that repair should not come in the form of the Draft Policy
- Concern regarding the ease with which MDN allocation policies might be gamed should this Draft Policy become implemented
- Request that there be further discussion regarding network deployments
No poll was conducted.
Open Microphone
Moderator: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
- Discussion regarding overall needs basis
- Proposal for more automated approaches to request processing with regular audits
- Request to utilize the Policy Breakout Room for further discussion
- Discussion regarding the future of PPCs during NANOG meetings
- Discussion of the proposed austerity policy and how it affects IPv6 and IPv4
- Request for staff to consider telepresence technology as part of remote participation
- Request for the NRO to release its process for generating a proposal regarding the IANA transition
- Request for feedback regarding Inter-RIR resource transfers
- Concern regarding serialization of engineering efforts by ARIN staff
Closing Announcements and Adjournment
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
- Polls are open for Elections, please vote if you are the DMR
- Sponsor acknowledgement
- Overview of Evening Social Event
Adjournment (6:18 PM)
Network Sponsor
Webcast Sponsor
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.