ARIN 35 Members Meeting Notes - Wednesday, 15 April 2015 [Archived]
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.
Opening Announcements
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
- Agenda overview
- Head table introductions
Attendees present in session room: approximately 80
Remote participants present: approximately eight
Unique webcast views: 147
Fees and Services Update
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Presentation: PDF
- ARIN Fee Schedule Changes
- Services Working Group
- Current situation
- Available Options
- Considerations
- Support for modeling systems with a convergence of ISP and End user categories
- Clarification regarding fee structure change impacts on membership and legacy space holders
- Clarification regarding proposed fee schedule changes and their impact on smaller ISP fees
- Concern regarding the development of a services working group from the membership
- Clarification regarding project prioritization by the proposed working group
- Proposal to have a software development update at every ARIN meeting
ARIN Reports: Communications and Member Services
Speaker: Susan Hamlin, ARIN Director of Communications and Member Services
Presentation: PDF
- Q1 Operational Plan objectives
- 2015 outreach overview
- IPv6 and Internet Governance outreach
- Get6 campaign overview
- Streamlining information
- Website work ahead
- Upcoming election process and voter eligibility changes
- ARIN 36 in Montreal
- Fellowship eligibility
- Praise for Caribbean outreach and engagement by ARIN and LACNIC
ARIN Reports: Engineering
Speaker: Mark Kosters, ARIN Chief Technology Officer
Presentation: PDF
- Staffing update and changes
- Accomplishments since ARIN 34
- Operational Test and Evaluation environment (OT&E) overview
- YTD efforts
- Operational concerns
- Operational highlights
- ARIN Online usage statistics
- Active usage of ARIN Online
- Reg-RWS transactions
- DNSSEC update
- RPKI usage statistics
- Whois queries per second
- Whois traffic over IPv6
- IRR Maintainers
- IRR Route/Route6 objects
- IRR InetNum/Inet6Num objects
- Systems at the forefront
- 2015 projects through Q3
- Proposed increase for planned outage notice to the community
ARIN Reports: Financial Services
Speaker: Val Winkelman, ARIN Director of Financial Services
Presentation: PDF
- Staff overview
- Financial audit results
- Payment type statistics for 2014
- 2014 invoicing structure
- Registration review mix by percentage
There were no questions or discussion topics following this presentation.
ARIN Reports: Human Resources and Administration
Speaker: Erin Alligood, ARIN Director of Human Resources and Administration
Presentation: PDF
- Team overview
- Recent projects
- Employee statistics
- Employee tenure
- Upcoming projects
There were no questions or discussion topics following this presentation.
ARIN Reports: Registration Services
Speaker: Richard Jimmerson, ARIN Chief Information Officer
Presentation: PDF
- Team overview
- RSD core functions
- RSD support functions
- Current focus
- Changing dynamics
- Current IPv4 Inventory
- Block size distribution of remaining IPv4 inventory
- IPv4 RSA coverage statistics
- Total organizations served by ARIN
- IPv6 space issued
- ISPs with IPv4 and IPv6 in the ARIN region
- Transfers overview
- Telephone helpdesk information
- IPv4 waiting list procedures
- ARIN IPv4 inventory status
- The IPv4 transfer market’s impact on IPv4 space not yet covered by a Registration Services Agreement (RSA) or Legacy RSA (LRSA)
- IPv4 transfers and their impact on Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)
- Recognition for Leslie Nobile’s years of service as Director of Registration Services
ARIN Advisory Council Report
Speaker: Dan Alexander, Chair, ARIN Advisory Council
- The AC role in the Policy Development Process (PDP)
- Recent policy work
- Additional work
There were no questions or discussion topics following this presentation.
ARIN Financial Report
Speaker: Paul Andersen, Vice Chair, ARIN Board of Trustees
Presentation: PDF
- 2014 financial audit results
- Costs of the 2015 engineering surge
- 2014 budget effect on reserves
- Investment reserves
- ARIN investments (by dollar and by percentage)
- Reserve and investment return history
- Notes from ARIN’s investing firm
- Deficit budget and future potential for operating at a deficit
- Regarding RSD staffing as IPv4 runout occurs
ARIN Board of Trustees Report
Speaker: Paul Andersen, Vice Chair, ARIN Board of Trustees
Presentation: PDF
- Board of Trustees activities since ARIN 34
- Financial and fiduciary activities
- Mission and services
- Number resource policy actions
- Internet number registry system and Internet coordination
- RIR stability fund establishment and purpose
- Praise for the expansion of Board meeting minutes and supporting documents
- Preparations RIRs should make before utilizing the RIR stability fund
- The RIRs and their agreement with the NRO to pledge funds
Joint RIR Stability Fund
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Presentation: PDF
- Stability fund background
- Stability fund proposal
- Publishing the RIR agreement with the NRO to pledge funds to the stability fund
IANA Stewardship Transition Planning Status
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Presentation: PDF
- ARIN Board statement of position on the CRISP proposal
- Termination clauses
IRR Consultation
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
Presentation: PDF
- Current situation regarding IRR improvements
- Background information
- RIR communities and their utilization of IRR data
Open Microphone
Moderator: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
- Request for ARIN to interface more actively with NANOG regarding joint meetings and combined tracks
- Collective organizational praise from fellows and first timers
- Potential for draft policy pros/cons to be added to draft policy presentations
- Anonymous polling systems
- Potential for combining staff introductions into AC draft policy presentations
Closing Announcements
Speaker: John Curran, ARIN President and CEO
- Sponsor acknowledgment
- Network Connectivity Sponsor: Webpass
- Webcast Sponsor: Google
- Refreshment Break Sponsors: ServerHub, Fastmetrics, and the IPv4 Market Group
- Meeting survey reminder
Network Sponsor
Webcast Sponsor
Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.