ARIN XII Public Policy Meeting - Chicago, Illinois - 22-23 October 2003 [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

View video presentations from ARIN XII on the ARIN Video Vault.

Public Policy Meeting, Day 1
Agenda Item Speaker Text Minutes Presentation (Read-Only)
Meeting Called to Order Ray Plzak HTML PDF
Internet Number Resource Status Report Leslie Nobile HTML PDF
RIR and Emerging RIR Updates HTML
APNIC Paul Wilson PDF
LACNIC Raul Echeberría PDF
RIPE NCC Axel Pawlik PDF
AFRINIC Adiel Akplogan PDF
ASO AC Report Kim Hubbard HTML PDF
ASO AC Election Process Susan Hamlin HTML PDF
ASO AC Candidate Speeches HTML
ICANN Update Barbara Roseman HTML PDF
Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process (ARIN Region) Richard Jimmerson HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2002-3: Micro-assignments for Mutli-homed Networks Bill Darte HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-15: IPv4 Allocation Policy for the Africa Region of the ARIN Region Gregory Massel Bill Woodcock HTML Intro: PDFPresenter: PDF
Update Ginny Listman HTML
Cryptographic Authentication Tim Christensen HTML
Referral Server Field William Leibzon HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-3: Residential Customer Privacy Dave Barger HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-9: WHOIS Acceptable Use William Leibzon HTML PDF
RFC 2050 Working Group Mark McFadden HTML PDF
NRO MoU Discussion Ray Plzak; John Curran HTML PDF
Open Microphone HTML
Closing Announcements and Adjournment - First Day HTML PDF
Minutes of the Public Policy Meeting, Day 2
Agenda Item Speaker Text Minutes Presentation (Read-Only)
Meeting Called to Order Ray Plzak HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-12: IANA to RIR Allocation of IPv4 Address Space Ray Plzak HTML PDF
Discussion - IANA to RIR Allocation of IPv6 Space Ray Plzak HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-11: Proposal and Scope of the WHOIS Directory Michael Dillon HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-16: POC Verification Andrew Dul HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-5: RWhois Server Use Requirements Mark Kosters HTML PDF
Hijacking Report Leslie Nobile HTML PDF
RTMA Working Group HTML
Working Group Charter Cathy Wittbrodt
"Miscreants, Hijacking, and Bogons - Oh My!" Rob Thomas PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-4: IPv6 Policy Changes Thomas Narten HTML Intro: PDF Presenter: PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-10: Apply the HD Ratio to all Future IPv4 Allocations Michael Dillon HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-13: Six Month Supply of IP Addresses Michael Dillon HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2003-14: Remove /13 Maximum Allocation Dan Alexander HTML PDF
Policy Proposal 2002-2: Experimental Internet Resource Allocations Suzanne Woolf HTML PDF
Internet Resource Policy Evaluation Process (NEW) Scott Bradner HTML PDF
Open Microphone HTML
Closing Announcements and Adjournment HTML


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Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.