2012-7 Previous Version [Archived]


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View the current policy proposal text.

The following version was archived on 12 October 2012

Draft Policy ARIN-2012-7
Reassignments for Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) over Cable

Date: 26 September 2012

Policy statement:

Insert new section to NRPM to read as follows: IP addresses reassigned by an ISP to an incumbent cable operator for use with Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) will be counted as fully used once they are assigned to equipment by the underlying cable carrier provided they meet the following requirements:

* initial assignments to each piece of hardware represent the smallest subnet reasonably required to deploy service to the customer base served by the hardware

* additional assignments to each piece of hardware are made only when all previous assignments to that specific piece of hardware are at least 80% used and represent a three month supply

* IP assignments assigned through are non-transferable via section 8.3 and section 8.4 for a period of 36 months. In the case of a section 8.2 transfer the IP assignment must be utilized for the same purpose or needs based justification at a rate consistent with intended use.

A unique situation exists particularly, and perhaps only, in the Canadian region that is preventing legitimate ISPs from obtaining subsequent allocations of IPv4 addresses for use with the Third Party Internet Access
(TPIA) framework that has been mandated by the CRTC (Canada’s version of the FCC). Adding this section to the NRPM will allow ISPs that intend to make use of this CRTC mandated framework to obtain the number resources that they require but are currently unable to obtain.

Timetable for implementation: immediate

The following version was archived on 26 September 2012

Draft Policy ARIN-2012-7
Reassignments for Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) over Cable

Date: 5 September 2012

Policy statement:

Insert new section to NRPM to read as follows: Reassignments for Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) over Cable When IP address resources are reassigned by an ISP to an underlying cable carrier for use with TPIA, those addresses shall be deemed as utilized once they are assigned to equipment by the underlying cable carrier.

Rationale: A unique situation exists particularly, and perhaps only, in the Canadian region that is preventing legitimate ISPs from obtaining subsequent allocations of IPv4 addresses for use with the Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) framework that has been mandated by the CRTC (Canada’s version of the FCC). Adding this section to the NRPM will allow ISPs that intend to make use of this CRTC mandated framework to obtain the number resources that they require but are currently unable to obtain.

Timetable for implementation: immediate


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.