ARIN Fraud Reporting Results - 1st Quarter 2016 [Archived]


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.

Fraud Reports Received
Date/Ticket Number Report Type Actions Taken
20160101-F2659 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160104-F2660 Report of fraudulent SWIP records Unable to confirm
20160106-F2661 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160106-F2662 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160112-F2663 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160112-F2664 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160115-F2665 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160119-F2666 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160119-F2667 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160121-F2668 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160126-F2669 Report of Hijacked Block Confirmed & reverted changes
20160129-F2671 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160202-F2672 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160203-F2673 Invalid contact information Marked record invalid
20160229-F2674 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160304-F2675 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160304-F2675 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160305-F2676 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160311-F2677 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160314-F2678 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160314-F2679 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160314-F2680 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160318-F2681 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160323-F2682 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160325-F2683 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160326-F2684 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160328-F2685 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160329-F2686 Submission of false information Unable to confirm
20160330-F2687 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process
20160330-F2688 Out of Scope Informed reporter the issue was outside the scope of ARIN’s fraud reporting process

Total Fraud reports received this quarter = 30

Investigation Results

ARIN received a total of thirty fraud reports during the 1st quarter of 2016.

One report contained information about invalid ARIN Whois information. Staff marked the record invalid and contacted the POC to get updated information.

One report focused on fraudulent IP justification information. ARIN was unable to confirm fraud occurred.

One report concerned fraudulent SWIP records. ARIN was unable to verify the records were fraudulent.

One report involved a hijacked IPv4 block. This report was confirmed and the affected records were locked to prevent unauthorized changes.

Twenty-six fraud reports received during this quarter were reports of incidents related to phishing, spam, identity theft, etc. ARIN did not investigate any of these reports, because they are outside the scope of ARIN’s mission.


Here in the Vault, information is published in its final form and then not changed or updated. As a result, some content, specifically links to other pages and other references, may be out-of-date or no longer available.