External Contracting Results

When ARIN requires such goods and services, it produces and publishes public Requests for Proposals (RFPs) in accordance with the External Contracting Process. The RFP outlines the timeline for submitting bids and the good or services required. The subsequent bids are then evaluated by ARIN staff or Board, if appropriate. The winning bidder is then awarded the contract.

ARIN’s RFP History

RFP for Strategic Planning Process and Workshop

Posted: 12 December 2024

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ARIN received 10 proposals in response to this RFP. Finley and Associates was selected due to their cost and capabilities.

RFP for Post-Pandemic Distributed Workforce Study

Posted: 23 April 2021

RFP Information: https://www.arin.net/about/corporate/documents/contracts/rfp-workforce/

RFP Text: https://www.arin.net/about/corporate/documents/contracts/rfp-workforce/ARIN-Workforce-RFP.pdf

RFP for Internet Transit for ARIN ASN 10745

Posted: 26 October 2015

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2015/20151026_rfp1.html

RFP Text: http://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/201510_east_coast_transit_rfp_ash.pdf

ARIN received 20 bids in response to this RFP. NTT and HE were selected due to cost and technical capabilities.

RFP for Internet Transit for ARIN ASN 393225

Posted: 26 October 2015

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2015/20151026_rfp2.html

RFP Text: https://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/201510_east_coast_transit_rfp_iad.pdf

ARIN received 20 bids in response to this RFP. Tata was selected due to cost and technical capabilities.

RFP for Internet Transit for ARIN ASN 394018

Posted 08 June 2015

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2015/20150608.html

RFP Text: https://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/201506-westcoast-transit-rfp-sea.pdf

ARIN received 11 bids in response to this RFP. Zayo was selected due to cost.

RFP for Internet Transit for ARIN ASN 393220

Posted 05 June 2015

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2015/20150605.html

RFP Text: https://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/201506-westcoast-transit-rfp-sjc.pdf

ARIN received 10 bids in response to this proposal. NTT and GTT were selected due to cost and technical capabilities.

RFP for West Coast Co-location Services

Posted 24 March 2015

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2015/20150324.html

RFP Text: https://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/201503_west_coast.pdf

ARIN received 30 bids in response to the RFP. The contract was awarded jointly to Equinix and Wowrack to perform this service. Award selection was based on the providers’ technical support capabilities and because Wowrack was willing to provide some services gratis as a contribution in support of ARIN’s mission.

RFP for Internet Transit for ARIN ASN 10745

Posted 25 January 2011

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2011/20110125.html

RFP Text: https://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/201102_transit.pdf

ARIN received 10 bids in response to the RFP. Hurricane Electric Internet Services was selected in March 2011 because the winning bid was below the cost threshold for our current contracting process.

RFP for DNS Secondary Services

Posted February 17, 2010

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2009/20090903.html

RFP Text: http://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/200909_secdns.pdf

ARIN received 6 bids in response to the RFP. The contract was awarded jointly to Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) and Packet Clearing House (PCH) to perform this service. Award selection was based on the providers’ technical support capabilities and because both organizations are able to provide these services gratis as a contribution in support of ARIN’s mission.

RFP for Colocation Services

Posted: 17 July 2008

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2008/20080717_colo.html

RFP Text: http://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/200807_network.pdf

The bidding process included 15 proposals. The contract was awarded to Tiscali Spa in January of 2009 because the winning bid was below the cost threshold for our current contracting process.

RFP for Hosting a Disaster Recovery Site

Posted: 3 November 2008

RFP Announcement: https://www.arin.net/vault/announcements/2008/20081103.html

RFP Text: https://www.arin.net/vault/about/corporate/contracts/200811_drp.pdf

The contract was awarded to Equinix in April because the winning bid was below the cost threshold for our current contracting process.