Meeting of the ARIN Advisory Council - 19 December 2024
ARIN AC Attendees:
- Kat Hunter, Chair (KH)
- Matthew Wilder, Vice Chair (MW)
- Doug Camin (DC)
- Gerry George (GG)
- Matthew Gamble (MG)
- Elizabeth Goodson (EG)
- Brian Jones (BJ)
- Kaitlyn Pellak (KP)
- Gus Reese (GR)
- Leif Sawyer (LS)
- Daniel Schatte (DS)
- Alicia Trotman (AT)
- Alison Wood (AW)
- Chris Woodfield (CW)
ARIN Staff:
- Michael Abejuela, General Counsel
- John Curran, President & CEO
- Eddie Diego, Policy Analyst
- Richard Jimmerson, COO
- Lisa Liedel, Director, Registration Services
- Therese Simcox, Sr. Exec. Assist./Scribe
- John Sweeting, CXO
- Lily Botsyoe, 2025-elect ARIN AC member
- William Herrin, 2025-elect ARIN AC member
1. Welcome.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. ET. The presence of a quorum was noted. She acknowledged that KK had sent his regrets, and she welcomed the observers to the call. She welcomed everyone to the last AC meeting of the year. The Chair stated that the observers were free to contact her with any questions they may have.
2. Agenda Review.
The Chair reviewed the agenda with the Council and called for any comments. There were no comments.
3. Approval of the Minutes.
It was moved by BJ, and seconded by CW, that:
“The ARIN Advisory Council approves the 21 November 2024 Minutes, as written.”
The Chair called for comments. There were no comments. The motion carried with no objections.
4. Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2023-7: Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Networks.
CW stated that the extended last call period, requested by the community, ended on December 13, 2024. There were no dissentions during the period. He stated for the record that the count during ARIN 54 were 51 hands raised in favor and 0 against.
It was moved by CW, and seconded by BJ, that:
“The ARIN Advisory Council, having completed a successful policy development process for ‘Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2023-7: Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Networks’, recommends it to the ARIN Board of Trustees for adoption.”
The Chair called for comments. There were no comments. The motion carried with 14 in favor via roll call vote.
5. Draft Policy ARIN-2023-8: Reduce 4.1.8 Maximum Allocation.
GG stated that he posted a summary on the Public Policy Mailing List (PPML) indicating possible options and believed that it will foster productive comments. He is hoping for good feedback, but it could still be heading toward abandonment. BJ stated he had changed his mind during the development of the policy and posted his reasoning to the PPML as well. He too looked forward to the feedback and discussion.
6. Draft Policy ARIN-2024-1: Definition of Organization ID/Org ID.
GR stated that he spoke with the author and revised the language for updating. He will send it to the Policy Analyst. Once done, it will be posted to the PPML for feedback.
7. Draft Policy ARIN-2024-5: Rewrite of NRPM Section 4.4 Micro-Allocation.
DS stated that he published revised text to the PPML last week. Four comments have been received — three comments on the ambiguity in Section 4.4, and one comment stating the person liked it as-is currently written. He stated that work is progressing.
MW stated that he agreed with one comment received regarding avoiding statements of intentions — as they belong in problem statements. He stated it is not about this policy, but a clear statement is beneficial for the staff’s work.
CW did not believe there was anywhere else in the Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM) where there is a statement of intent. There are principles, but he noted that is a subtle difference and agreed with feedback to restate or remove that introduction. MW noted it originally came from the author and needs to be reviewed. CW agreed.
8. Draft Policy ARIN-2024-7: Addition of Definitions for General and Special Purpose IP Addresses.
KP stated that she has been working with the author regarding language in the policy and the terminology using ‘special purpose’ or using better terminology. They spoke on the use of ‘reserved pool’ noting that not all space is from a reserved pool. However, they agreed on using reserved pool after she explained it to him. She published the matter to PPML. Feedback received indicated that ‘reserved’ falls into a term of ‘art’ language as does ‘special purpose.’ KP stated that she originally proposed ‘defined purpose’ and ‘restricted purpose’ and will post that to the PPML for feedback. She did note that the language itself resonates with people, and they are working on exactly what term to use. The Chair asked her to please update the title of policy once the term is decided. KP agreed.
MW stated that Bill Herrin had commented to suggest using ‘defined purpose’ with regard to IP addresses. KP stated that since the intention is to differentiate IP addresses for a ‘defined purpose,’ the term is a strong contender.
9. Draft Policy ARIN-2024-10: Registration Requirements and Timing of Requirements with Retirement of Section
AT stated that revisions for the policy were posted to the PPML in late November, and she is currently monitoring it for feedback. No comments to date, but she will foster discussion.
10. Draft Policy ARIN-2024-11: IPv4 Transition Efficiency Reallocation Policy (ITERP).
BJ stated that there were no updates at this time. He stated he will foster discussion on the PPML in the beginning of next year. After reviewing the PPML discussion, and considering what will come out of the next Policy Experience Report (PER), he hopes the community will give clear direction on whether to make changes to Section 4.10 policy or decide it is best left as-is. It will go a long way in helping us.
11. ARIN AC Working Group.
- Policy Experience Report (PER) Working Group Update. AW stated that the WG had a meeting a week ago. They discussed Section 4.10 and some of the pools, to include crafting a potential policy related to the use of resources for leasing — it is currently in a working state. She stated she is looking forward to working face to face with the Council in January. The CXO stated there will be a new report in January she can work with as well. AW was happy to hear it.
12. Any Other Business.
Changes in Employment and Affiliation. None reported.
ARIN 54 Expense Reports Due. The Chair reminded the Council that any outstanding expense reports from October ARIN 54 Meeting in Toronto are needed promptly.
AC Face-to-Face (24 January 2025) Meeting Reminders.
- Chair noted it will be held at the ARIN Office.
- Flight Itineraries to Volunteer Support Specialist (Melissa Montgomery).
- Canceled: 15 January 2025 AC Teleconference.
AC Chair Election Process. The Policy Analyst provided an overview of the process to the Council and noted an email was sent on Monday this week. He thanked everyone for a great year and wished them Happy Holidays.
The Chair also thanked the Council stating how much she enjoyed her year as the AC Chair. She stated she would be happy to continue, but would support whoever is chosen to be AC Chair in 2025.
2025 Public Speaking Training. The Chair stated she spoke with ARIN HR and that ARIN staff is in the process of securing this training for the AC to be held early in 2025, and information will be forthcoming. She noted it is typically in the February timeframe and believed it is very helpful for the group.
Farewell to Outgoing AC Members. The Chair sincerely thanked MG and DS for their time working on policies and how much they helped the AC.
The Chair stated the following:
“The ARIN Advisory Council extends its deepest gratitude to the following outgoing AC Members for their time and contributions to the Council: Daniel Schatte and Matthew Gamble.”
13. Adjournment.
The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 4:27 p.m. ET. LS moved to adjourn, seconded by GG. The motion carried with no objections.