Expected Qualifications and Responsibilities

17 May 2024

The role of the ARIN Board of Trustees is to help further the mission of ARIN. By providing strategic direction and oversight of ARIN’s Internet numbers registry, the Board helps guide ARIN in fulfilling its mandate to manage the registry as a key public resource for the benefit of the operator community.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

As a member of the ARIN Board of Trustees, responsible for the following:

  • Guide ARIN’s strategic direction and Mission
  • Oversee ARIN’s Policy Development Process and ensure that policies developed adhere to the process while providing appropriate risk management
  • Be accountable to the ARIN membership and the ARIN community
  • Approve objectives and evaluate the performance of the Chief Executive Officer
  • Develop and approve ARIN’s strategic plan, operating plan, and annual budget
  • Oversee ARIN’s operating and fiscal performance
  • Attend Board meetings regularly

Serving as a Trustee is a significant time commitment. Trustee workload varies from year to year; however, an overview of time required is as follows:

  • Attend Board meetings generally held as follows:
    • January in-person meeting (1.5 days)
    • April ARIN Public Policy and Members Meeting (2.5 days)
    • August in-person strategic planning session (2 days)
    • October ARIN Public Policy and Members Meeting (2 days)
    • Other teleconferences, as scheduled (1-2 hours)
  • Committee work, generally held by teleconference, varies based on workload
  • Approximately 1-2 hours a week for Board work preparation and reviewing/responding to Board correspondence
  • Represent ARIN at 1-2 other Regional Internet Registry meetings (optional)
  • Attend 1-2 ARIN on the Road (AOTR) meetings (optional)
  • Attend governance meetings such as those held by the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) (optional/where needed)
  • Attend Caribbean meetings such as those held by the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO) and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) (optional)

Background / Skills Required

3+ years of Board related experience.

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, strong computer skills and ability to handle multiple tasks. Strong organizational skills.
  • Demonstrated leadership experience
  • Relevant board experience, to include an understanding of and experience with board governance in the not-for-profit and/or for-profit sectors
  • Experience in related industry sectors, e.g. Internet or Telecommunications
  • Experience dealing with legal or risk management situations
  • Solid understanding of ARIN’s Mission and role in the Internet ecosystem
  • Ability to understand risks, opportunities, and external and internal issues that may affect ARIN
  • Solid understanding of the duties and responsibilities of Trustees, including a demonstrated understanding of, and ability to fulfill, board fiduciary duties
  • Track record of prudent personal and professional financial management.
  • Ability to listen and be open to others’ perspectives
  • Ability to ask pertinent questions to help foster mutual understanding
  • Ability to synthesize and build consensus
  • Ability to articulate a point of view with objective reasoning
  • Experience with strategic planning for an organization with ARIN’s scope and size
  • Experience with and understanding of the Board’s oversight role with respect to risk management

Background/Skills Preferred

  • Advanced understanding of Internet governance and operations
  • Past participation and engagement within the ARIN community
  • Finance, accounting, and audit experience
  • Investment management and performance oversight experience
  • Diversity of experience that reflects key sectoral, demographic, and geographic perspectives of the community
  • Understanding of the major technologies ARIN deploys and/or oversees
  • Understanding of the Regional Internet Registry system
  • Strong professional experience/qualifications in one or more of the following areas:
    • Areas of law related to ARIN’s business
    • Business strategy
    • Cybersecurity
    • Human resources management
    • Information technology management

Conflict of Interest and Eligibility

Trustees have a fiduciary obligation to ARIN and thus should consider, prior to applying, any relationships (business or personal) that may give rise to significant conflicts of interest (such that the Trustee would not be able to regularly execute their duties).

The ARIN Board has adopted a formal Nomination and Appointment Conflict of Interest List that precludes serving as a Trustee while serving in certain capacities at other Internet-related organizations.

ARIN Trustees are expected to be able to travel to ARIN Public Policy and Members Meetings and ARIN Board Meetings which are held throughout the ARIN Service Region.The timing of and location of these meetings is generally published well in advance.ARIN Trustees may also be invited to travel to meetings that are held internationally.

ARIN Trustees are not required to be representatives of ARIN member organizations.

ARIN is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Trustees must be eligible to serve under state and federal laws.

All Board members are required to complete the Nondisclosure Agreement Form, the Volunteer Code of Conduct, and the Confict of Interest Affidavit.