Get Ready for ARIN 54
Posted: Thursday, 10 October 2024
ARIN is heading to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, for ARIN 54. Our fall Public Policy and Members Meeting takes place 24-25 October 2024 at the Westin Harbour Castle and virtually via the Zoom webinar platform. If you haven’t registered to participate yet, it’s not too late! Visit to get started.
If you have registered to attend ARIN 54 in person but your travel plans have changed, please modify your registration to be a virtual attendee at so we can provide a smoother meeting experience for you.
What to Expect at ARIN 54
ARIN 54 Meeting Orientation
Whether you’ll be with us in Toronto or joining us from home, don’t miss our virtual Meeting Orientation on Tuesday, 15 October, at 2:00 PM ET to find out how to make the most of your ARIN 54 experience. RSVP to attend the Meeting Orientation during the registration process; if you’ve already registered for ARIN 54 and wish to attend the orientation, simply visit to modify your registration to reserve your spot.
2024 ARIN Elections
Voting for the 2024 ARIN Elections opens at 3:00 PM ET on Thursday, 24 October. Get to know the candidates running for the ARIN Board of Trustees, ARIN Advisory Council, and Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) by watching their pre-recorded speeches during ARIN 54. In-person meeting attendees can stop by the ARIN Elections Help Desk with any questions you may have about the voting process.
Policy Discussions
The public policy portion of ARIN 54 features discussions of five Recommended Draft Policies and seven Draft Policies on Thursday, 24 October. The agenda includes:
- Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2022-12: Direct Assignment Language Update
- Recommended Draft Policy ARIN 2023-7: Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Network
- Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2024-1: Definition of Organization ID/Org ID
- Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2024-2: Whois Data Requirements Policy for Non-Personal Information
- Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2024-9: Remove Outdated Carveout for Community Networks
- Draft Policy ARIN-2023-8: Reduce 4.1.8 Maximum Allocation
- Draft Policy ARIN-2024-4: Internet Exchange Point Definition
- Draft Policy ARIN-2024-5: Rewrite of NRPM Section 4.4 Micro-Allocation
- Draft Policy ARIN-2024-6: 6.5.1a Definition Update
- Draft Policy ARIN-2024-7: Addition of Definitions for General and Special Purpose IP Addresses
- Draft Policy ARIN-2024-8: Restrict the Largest Initial IPv6 Allocation to /20
- Draft Policy ARIN-2024-10: Registrations Requirements and Timing of Requirements With Retirement of Section
Find the ARIN 54 Policy Discussion Guide, along with other materials, on the ARIN 54 Meeting Materials page. If you’re unfamiliar with our Policy Development Process, visit And you can read our post on the ARIN Blog for a crash course on the policies under discussion during ARIN 54.
How to Attend the Meeting
Each morning during ARIN 54, attendees will receive an email with information about that day’s session. If you’re a virtual attendee, that email will contain a link to access the Zoom webinar.
The Zoom session will open 15 minutes before the meeting starts each day; feel free to join early to say hello to and chat with your fellow attendees. If you’re on location in Toronto, just take a seat in the Frontenac Ballroom before the meeting begins at 9:00 AM ET.
If you miss a day, head over to the ARIN Blog to read a recap or follow us @TeamARIN on X for live updates. Use the #ARIN54 hashtag to join in the conversation!
Meeting Guides
Prepare yourself to participate in ARIN 54 by visiting the ARIN 54 Meeting Materials page to view our Policy Discussion Guide, agenda, and more.
In-Person Activities
Welcome Reception
Kick off ARIN 54 and mingle with your colleagues during the ARIN 54 Welcome Reception on Wednesday, 23 October, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM ET.
ARIN 54 Evening Social
On Thursday, 24 October, join us at the Hockey Hall of Fame for our evening social event. Dinner will be served, and a cash bar will be available. Attendees must wear their meeting badge for this event.
ARIN would like to thank our network sponsor, Rogers, our webcast sponsor, Google, our platinum sponsor, Kalorama, our silver sponsor, IPv4.Global by Hilco Streambank, and our exhibitor sponsor, IPXO, for helping make ARIN 54 possible.
If you have any questions, please contact us at We look forward to your participation at ARIN 54.
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
NANOG 92 will be held in the same location just before ARIN 54, from 21 to 23 October. Visit to learn more about ARIN’s participation in this event and to register for NANOG 92.
Recent Announcements
- ARIN 55 Hotel Discount Expiring Soon
- ARIN Has Retired the Use of FTP Protocol
- New Features Added to ARIN Online
- Congratulations to the ARIN 55 Selected Fellows
- NRPM 2025.1 - New Policies Implemented
- Reminder - ARIN Will Retire the Use of FTP on 31 March 2025
- ICP-2 Principles Questionnaire Report and Data Published
- ARIN on the Road is heading to Raleigh, North Carolina!
- ARIN Now Only Supports TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 Cryptographic Features Across All ARIN Services
- ARIN Mailing List AUP Committee Disbanded
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