NRO Announcement on AFRINIC

Posted: Wednesday, 23 October 2024

This message is posted on behalf of the Number Resource Organization (NRO):

Re: Restoration of the Order Appointing the Official Receiver for AFRINIC

The NRO welcomes the announcement published on AFRINIC’s website, which reads as follows:


The Supreme Court of Mauritius made the following ruling on 15 October 2024.

The ruling sets aside the appeal initiated by AFRINIC on 28 September 2023 and restores the judgement made by the learned Judge of the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court delivered on 12 September 2023.

This ruling also restores the previous order appointing the Official Receiver and providing the Official Receiver with a two-month timeframe to organise the elections in accordance with AFRINIC’s constitution and complete the entire process from the date of this judgement.

On Behalf of the Official Receiver


The NRO views the ruling, which prioritizes the importance of organizing elections, as a positive development.

We look forward to the successful execution of elections which are fundamental to restoring AFRINIC’s governance and returning the organisation to full function.

We encourage the AFRINIC members and community to participate actively and consciously in the election process.

The NRO continues to stand ready to provide any information or support to the Official Receiver, Mr. Vasoodayven Virasami, if requested.

The NRO remains deeply appreciative of the ongoing commitment of the AFRINIC staff who have maintained operations for the benefit of AFRINIC’s Members and the Internet community during such a challenging period.

With best regards and hopes for AFRINIC, AFRINIC staff, and all members of the AFRINIC community.

Oscar Robles-Garay
Number Resource Organization
On behalf of the NRO Executive Council (NRO EC)