ACSP Suggestion 2006.1: Making Suggestions Transparent


Author: Sam Weiler   
Submitted On: 18 September 2006


In the interest of making the suggestion process more transparent and providing some accountability, post publicly all suggestions, a brief summary of actions taken (if any), and the dates of the suggestion and the action.

In addition to showing that the suggestions were responded to in a timely manner, this will which of ARIN’s operational practices were adopted/changed based on this informal process, especially when it’s used as an alternative to the full public policy process.

Timeframe: Immediate

Status: Completed   Updated: 19 September 2006

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

19 September 2006

ARIN will periodically publish a report concerning suggestions received.

Any suggestion received that is determined to be policy in nature will be returned to the person submitting the suggestion with an invitation for that person to submit a policy proposal as provided for in the ARIN Internet Policy Evaluation process.

Suggestion 2006.1 is now closed.