ACSP Suggestion 2006.2: Filter access to our network BY REGION


Author: Oleksiy Maloshtan   
Submitted On: 25 September 2006


We are experiencing problems with Brute Force Attack on our FTP server every day from different regions (IP hosts).

My question is if there any way to filter access to our network BY REGION (by certain IP addresses that belong certain regions, for example to China) or not? The idea is to put IP (or mask such as 218.*.*.*) on a router to restrict access to our network from certain region(s). If it is possible, then, where I can find IP range for the regions to create a filter?

Timeframe: Not specified

Status: Completed   Updated: 16 October 2006

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

16 October 2006

Author referred to an operational forum. In the ARIN region that body is the North American Network Operator’s Group (NANOG). Information about NANOG is available at:

Suggestion 2006.2 is now closed.