ACSP Suggestion 2010.15: Provide LinkedIn group for ARIN members and participants
Author: David Farmer
Submitted On: 10 July 2010
Provide a LinkedIn group for ARIN members and participants.
Also provide add ARIN meetings and other events to LinkedIn Events.
An example for APNIC 30
Timeframe: Immediate
Status: Closed Updated: 16 August 2010
Tracking Information
ARIN Comment
21 July 2010
In response to this suggestion, ARIN is setting up a LinkedIn Group ( and will investigate how best to utilize this and coordinate it with our other outreach efforts. In addition, ARIN will evaluate the use of LinkedIn Events as it relates to ARIN meetings and our participation in other events. Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. ACSP suggestion 2010.15 will remain in an open status until implementation details are finalized.
ARIN Comment
16 August 2010
The ARIN LinkedIn group is now active ( and ARIN XXVI and ARIN XXVII are listed as events. We will post future events as appropriate.
Suggestion 2010.15 is now closed.