ACSP Suggestion 2010.21: Temporarily Suspend Attestation Letter Requirement for IPv6


Author: Owen DeLong   
Submitted On: 16 November 2010

Description: Suspend the attestation letter requirement for IPv6 for one year. At the moment, you have operations departments and others who have the message and are able to get budgetary approval for IP addresses and try and get in front of IPv6 rollout without needing to involve the CxO level. These forward thinking people are trying to get their job done and get IPv6 deployed. Throwing extra barriers in their way is contrary to good stewardship at this time.

Timeframe: Immediate

Status: Closed   Updated: 01 December 2010

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

01 December 2010

Thank you for your suggestion that ARIN suspend the attestation letter requirement for one year to remove barriers in requesting IPv6 number resources. The ARIN Board discussed this matter in August 2010 and reaffirmed the importance of this practice as it relates to IPv6 requests. As a result, this practice will continue until otherwise altered by the ARIN Board. However, the ARIN management team will share your concern with the Board in early January and notify you, as well as the community, of any changes to the practice.

Thank you for your suggestion. ACSP 2010.21 is considered closed.