ACSP Suggestion 2011.30: Improvement to RESTful Whois - Increase Number of IP ranges per Customer Handle


Author: Matthew Wilder   
Submitted On: 18 August 2011


RESTful Whois services are restricting reassignments to a single Range per Customer Handle. I would strongly urge ARIN to increase the value of the RESTful services by allowing a singled customer handle to receive multiple IP ranges.

Background: We are in the process of developing automatic reassignment reporting for IPv6 within our IPAM Inventory. Because our IPAM Inventory associates ranges with Customer head office locations, it is very common for one customer to receive multiple IP Ranges for their different services and locations. The current design has a single customer handle associated with the customer entity, so when we try to assign the 2nd and subsequent ranges, they will be rejected by ARIN as it stands today.

I see this as a significant downside to ARIN’s implementation of RESTful Whois, and would like to make it clear that it would be extremely valuable for ARIN to remove the single IP Range per Customer Handle restriction.

Timeframe: Immediate

Status: Closed   Updated: 31 August 2011

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ARIN Comment

31 August 2011

We agree that your suggestion will be a good improvement to ARIN’s emerging RESTful Registration System, and thank you for raising this issue. We look forward to receiving additional customer suggestions as the Registration System sees more development and use. We plan to bundle these customer suggestions and put them into ARIN’s development schedule in the future.

Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. This suggestion is now closed.