ACSP Suggestion 2013.24: Low Glycemic Index Snacks at ARIN Meetings
Author: Owen DeLong
Submitted On: 15 October 2013
It would be nice if there were some low glycemic index snacks provided at the breaks and meals. At this meeting, most of the meals had some valid alternatives, but the vast majority of the breaks were carbs, carbs, or other carbs, or fruit (which is generally high in fructose, which is a sugar).
Given the growing proportion of the ARIN community which is diabetic or likely to become diabetic in the coming years, I think it would be worth while to make the meetings more diabetic friendly.
Timeframe: Six months
Status: Closed Updated: 01 November 2013
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ARIN Comment
01 November 2013
Thank you for your Suggestion 2013.14 with regard to having low glycemic snacks at ARIN meetings. We have noted this request and we will implement this at all future ARIN meetings.
Thank you for this suggestion, which is now closed.