ACSP Suggestion 2017.23: Changes To RegRWS Access With API Key Authentication


Author: Alexander Stranzky   
Submitted On: 20 November 2017


RegRWS: Allow read access to objects that are authenticated by the API key even if nested objects fail to authenticate.

Example: if the API key is authenticated for a Net object, allow read access to that Net even if the Net’s Org (or its Poc) object is not readable by the API key.

Value to Community: If for some reason you lose authentication on nested objects, it is extremely complicated to get the data of the object to recreate since the object structure from WhoisRWS (the only source where you can get the necessary data from) is not compatible to RegRWS. Allowing read access would ease this recreation process substantially.

Timeframe: Not specified

Status: Open   Updated: 10 April 2018

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

05 February 2018

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.23 upon confirmed receipt, requesting ARIN make an improvement to our RegRWS service.

We have reviewed your suggestion and communicated with you via telephone to better understand your request. We have determined we can accommodate this suggestion, alongside similar API-related suggestions, at a future date when we conduct a comprehensive update to our API. Our development schedule for the 2018 year is currently filled by previously-submitted community suggestions and other system improvements. We will review that schedule for changes and new additions early this year, and at that time will consider if scheduling for this suggestion may be moved up.

Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. Your suggestion will remain open until fully implemented.

ARIN Comment

10 April 2018

This suggestion is not on the 2018 Work Plan and will be considered as part of the Community Consultation on Open ACSPs in April 2018. This consultation will serve as one of the inputs to help determine which suggestions will be included ARIN’s 2019 Work Plan.