ACSP Suggestion 2017.25: Allow Changes to Org Handle in a Detailed Reassignment Without Requiring Deletion


Author: Alexander Stranzky   
Submitted On: 20 November 2017

Description: RegRWS: Allow changing the Org handle in a Detailed Reassignment (without the necessity to delete it first).

Value to Community: When a customer that an Org object is created for wants to change the Org name, a new object must be created. To assign that new Org object the Net object must be deleted an then recreated. Deleting and recreating essentially the same resource may result in loss of data when there is a problem between the delete and create request. (E.g. a network interruption would prevent the create request an hence the correctness of the WHOIS data)

Timeframe: Not specified

Status: Closed   Updated: 28 September 2020

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

14 December 2017

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.25 upon confirmed receipt, requesting ARIN allow changing the Org handle in a Detailed Reassignment without the necessity to delete it first.

We agree that allowing this new feature with detailed reassignments could prevent interruptions in reassignment information reporting in situations where a reassignment is deleted and there are issues with the new one being immediately added.

This type of change to the features of ARIN’s reassignment systems may be of special interest to other users of ARIN’s services and may generate a wider discussion about reassignment system functionality and available features. To determine community interest on that topic, we will open a related community consultation in Q1 of 2018.

Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. Your suggestion will remain open until reviewed through the consultation process and a determination is made on potential changes to ARIN’s reassignment systems.

ARIN Comment

10 April 2018

This suggestion is not on the 2018 Work Plan and will be considered as part of the Community Consultation on Open ACSPs in April 2018. This consultation will serve as one of the inputs to help determine which suggestions will be included ARIN’s 2019 Work Plan.

ARIN Comment

28 September 2020

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2017.25 on confirmed receipt, asking that ARIN allow users to change the Org handle in a detailed reassignment without deleting the record.

In the time since you submitted this suggestion, the ARIN community has adopted policy 2018-5: Disallow Third-party Organization Record Creation and 2017-12: POC Notification and Validation Upon Reassignment or Reallocation. Because of these policies, your suggestion cannot be implemented. Furthermore, simply changing the Org ID on a reassignment would be further hindered by having invalid POC objects listed on the Org ID. Creation of a new Org ID by the downstream customer will ensure both policies are being met.

Because this work cannot be completed, we are closing your suggestion. Thank you for your participation in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process.