ACSP Suggestion 2018.1: Revision Management System for NRPM
Author: Owen DeLong
Submitted On: 26 January 2018
Description: Provide a github or github-like interface to NRPM revisions
Value to Community: GITHUB is a well understood document/code revision management system with a very convenient web-based interface with a rich toolset for comparing different versions and other operations useful in analyzing text revisions.
Timeframe: Not specified
Status: Closed Updated: 17 September 2018
Tracking Information
ARIN Comment
02 March 2018
Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2018.1 upon confirmed receipt, requesting ARIN provide a github-like interface to facilitate revision research for the Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM).
Although we publish all previous versions of the NRPM complete with full text of the historical documents and change-logs, it is understood the task of comparing previous and current versions of the NRPM can be time-consuming. For those interested in reviewing those changes, we agree a github-like interface would save time and produce more accurate research results. We will investigate the creation of a github-like repository for the current and historical NRPM versions dating back to the first (2004.1) version with a target completion of the work inside Q3 of 2018.
Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. Your suggestion will remain open until fully implemented.
ARIN Comment
10 April 2018
The effort to satisfy this suggestion is currently part of our 2018 Work Plan. It will be closed upon completion.
ARIN Comment
17 September 2018
Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2018.1 on confirmed receipt, asking for GitHub or GitHub-like interface to view Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM). We have completed this work which included the creation of a Markdown-based revision history interface utilizing the Git version control system. The repository contains a single Markdown file with a commit history spanning all 46 NRPM iterations and a user-friendly web interface for viewing differences between versions.
Because this work has been completed, we are closing your suggestion. Thank you for your participation in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process.