ACSP Suggestion 2018.11: Prohibit Attachments on PPML


Author: William Herrin   
Submitted On: 20 April 2018

Description: Prohibit attachments on ARIN public mailing lists, including PPML.

Value to Community: Prevents abusive behavior.

Timeframe: Not specified

Status: Closed   Updated: 06 August 2024

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

23 April 2018

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2018-11 upon confirmed receipt, suggesting we prohibit attachments on ARIN public mailing lists, including PPML.

Based on your suggestion, we will open a community consultation on this topic to determine support for making this change. The consultation will open within the next week.

Thank you again for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. Your suggestion will remain open pending the results of the community consultation.

6 August 2024

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2018.11 upon confirmed receipt, asking that ARIN prohibit attachments on our public mailing lists. This suggestion was referred to a consultation conducted in May 2018 with inconclusive results. It was recently reviewed in an internal audit and while we acknowledge the possibility of abusive behavior, we have not seen this issue occur in the period since your suggestion submission. There are also several legitimate reasons why attachments are used on ARIN’s public mailing lists, particularly in cases where staff need to report data related to questions from community members.

Any future event where an attachment is used to abuse mailing list subscribers would be immediately referred to ARIN’s Mailing List Acceptable Use Policy Committee for review and to propose a course of action. We encourage all subscribers to engage in best email security practices, but because there are legitimate reasons to allow attachments to messages sent to ARIN mailing lists, we will not be removing that functionality at this time.

This suggestion is now closed. Thank you for participating in ARIN’s Consultation and Suggestion Process.