ACSP Suggestion 2019.2: Eliminate or Increase Revoked ROA per OrgID


Author: Nathan Newman   
Submitted On: 28 January 2019

Description: Eliminate or Increase Revoked ROA Limit of 1400 per OrgID

Value to Community: The limit of 1400 revoked ROAs should be eliminated or dramatically increased to ensure an Org never hits that limit. This would allow businesses to revoke any number of their ROAs as well as enable them to continue to create an extended lifetime for a ROA without fear of hitting the limit.

Timeframe: Not specified

Status: Closed   Updated: 14 September 2020

Tracking Information

ARIN Comment

14 September 2020

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2019.2 upon confirmed receipt, requesting that ARIN to eliminate or increase revoked ROA limit of 1400 per Org ID.

With our most recent deployment we upgraded the hardware security modules in our Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) system. This upgrade removed the hard restriction of users not having the ability to delete more than 1,400 ROAs due to CRL size limitations. We have dramatically increased this limit but encourage those users who plan to delete more than 20K ROAs at a time to contact RSD with their plans.

Because this work has been completed, we are closing your suggestion. Thank you for your participation in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process.

ARIN Comment

06 February 2019

Thank you for your suggestion, numbered 2019.2 upon confirmed receipt, requesting ARIN to Eliminate or Increase Revoked ROA Limit of 1400 per Org ID.

We agree with your suggestion to include to increase the Revoked ROA limit that is currently set to 1,400 CRLs per Org. This request will be added along with other RPKI enhancements that are in the queue. Our development schedule for the 2019 year is currently filled by previously submitted community suggestions and other system improvements. We will consider this suggestion, together with other RPKI-related community suggestions, for inclusion in our 2020 work plan.

Thank you for participating in the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process. Your suggestion will remain open until implemented.