ARIN Election - Nominee Questionnaires

Nominee Questionnaires allow candidates for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council to explain their backgrounds, skills, experience and goals. Revised yearly by the Board with community input, the completed questionnaires are made available upon the publication of the Initial Slate of Candidates.

2024 ARIN Board of Trustees Nominee Questions

Data Collection

The Trustees nomination form includes personal contact data collection in addition to the questions below. Personal contact information will be kept confidential and only used for the purposes of processing a nomination.

Nominees will also be asked, upon receipt of their nomination, to digitally sign a release form to undergo an independent, third-party background check.


Note: Answers to the questions in this portion of the questionnaire will be made public on the ARIN website.

Answers are required for all questions, and the completeness of the answer will factor into the assessment of your qualifications.

  1. ARIN Board of Trustees Qualifications and Responsibilities:

    Please review the ARIN Board of Trustees Expected Qualifications and Responsibilities thoroughly. Please describe, providing specific details, any barriers you foresee to your fully meeting those qualifications and undertaking those responsibilities. Trustees’ responsibilities usually require about 5-10 hours per week.

  2. Conflicts of Interest:

    a) Please disclose any conflicts of interest you may have, real or perceived, that would impact your ability to perform your duty as a member of the ARIN Board of Trustees.

    b) How do you propose to resolve any conflicts identified in (a)?

    c) Are you currently eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees according to the Conflict of Interest Requirements and the eligibility requirements?

    d) If not currently eligible, describe how you will become eligible to serve, if elected (i.e., “If elected, I will resign from the position of ________ before 31 Dec 2024”).

  3. Education:

    a) Please list any degree(s) you received, the institution, and the date issued.

    b) Please list any professional designations, certifications, or development education (non-degree), and the dates completed.

  4. Employment and Experience:

    a) Please provide the name of any company or organization you currently are employed by, or from which you receive directly or indirectly a material portion of your compensation. Please describe the business of each such entity, your current title, and the office address of the organization.

    b) Please refer to the ARIN Board of Trustees Guidance to the 2024 Nomination Committee in answering this question:
    Please describe your relevant professional experience and expertise and explain how this background will make you an effective Trustee. Attach a resume, curriculum vitae, or other biography highlighting your experience most relevant to the duties of the ARIN Board of Trustees. Do not include your home address or personal contact information on the resume/C.V., as it will be made public as part of the election material. You may also optionally include additional web links to external websites (e.g., social media), though not as a substitute for your biography.

  5. Governance Experience:

    a) Please identify any boards on which you currently serve that carry fiduciary duties, whether at a for-profit or non-profit organization. Please note how long you have served and what offices, if any, you have held.

    b) Please identify any other boards on which you have served in the past 10 years that are not included in answer to (a), listing your dates of service.

    c) How does your past governance experience prepare you to help fulfill that role by serving as an ARIN Trustee?

  6. Describe any past experience or involvement with ARIN or other Internet governance bodies.

  7. Aside from any governance experience, describe your specific skills, background, and/or areas of expertise you believe will assist the Board in carrying out its duties.


You are free to make any of the following answers public. However, unless you instruct us otherwise, this information is treated as confidential, and its release will be restricted to the independent third-party vendor and ARIN’s General Counsel and Chief Human Resources Officer. However, if you are assessed as “Unable to Qualify” and you wish to stand for election by petitioning for inclusion on the election slate, ARIN’s General Counsel in coordination with the third-party vendor will create a summary of its assessment that will be included in the notice of petition to the ARIN Membership.

Nominee Home Address:

If ‘Yes’ to any of the following questions, you will be asked to provide specific details in order to assess eligibility. Answering ‘Yes’ to one of these questions will not automatically trigger an assessment of “Unable to Qualify”. Answering untruthfully, however, will.

  1. Have you violated an applicable ARIN code of conduct materially, or in a way that caused another person to bring this violation to your attention in writing? Yes [] or No []
  2. Have you been fired, terminated, or dismissed from a business or a board in the past ten years? Yes [] or No []
  3. Have you been arrested in the past 10 years? (You may exclude traffic tickets such as speeding or illegal turns but must disclose all traffic arrests related to alcohol or substance matters.) Yes [] or No []
  4. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense for which you have not been pardoned? Yes [] or No []
  5. Within the past 10 years, have you been denied directors’ liability insurance?
  6. Within the past 10 years, did an independent authority such as a civil court find you wholly or partly liable for any non-criminal offense, other than routine matters like traffic violations? Yes [] or No [] If so, please indicate the general subject matter of the offense: _____________.
  7. Have you served as a director or officer of an organization during a period in which the organization’s eligibility to operate was revoked? Yes [] or No []
  8. Have you declared personal bankruptcy in the past 10 years? Yes [] or No []
  9. Have you ever been disciplined formally for sexual violence or harassment, workplace harassment, or prohibited conduct? Yes [] or No []
  10. Have you been named a defendant in litigation for such issues identified in question 9 above in the past 10 years? Yes [] or No []

2024 ARIN Advisory Council Nominee Questions

Note: The Advisory Council nomination form includes personal contact data collection in addition to the questions below. Personal contact information will be kept confidential and only used for the purposes of processing a nomination.

Public Questionnaire

Answers to the questions in this portion of the questionnaire will be made public on the ARIN website and in any related election/appointment materials. Answers are required for all questions, and the completeness of the answer will factor into the assessment of your qualifications.

  1. Public Contact Information:
    1. Please provide one URL to an online location (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) where community members can dialogue with you. [Optional]
    2. Please identify your organizational affiliations. Note that Advisory Council (AC) members serve as individuals required to take ARIN’s best interests into account — not those of the organizations with which they are affiliated.
  2. Relevant Biography:
    1. Please describe your relevant professional experience and expertise and explain how this background will make you an effective AC member.
    2. Attach a resume, curriculum vitae, or other biography highlighting your experience most relevant to the duties of the AC. Do not include your home address or personal contact information on the resume, as it will be made public as part of the election material.
    3. Optionally, you may also include additional web links to external websites (e.g., social media), though not as a substitute for your biography.
  3. Eligibility:
    1. Please disclose any conflicts of interest you may have, real or perceived, that would impact your ability to perform your duty as a member of ARIN’s Advisory Council. How do you propose to resolve any such conflicts?
    2. Are you currently eligible to serve on the Advisory Council according to the Conflicts of Interest Policy?
    3. If not currently eligible, how will you become eligible to serve if elected (i.e. “If elected, I will resign from the position of ________ before 31 Dec 2024”).
    4. Describe any limitations on your ability to: attend AC and Public Policy Meetings in person; or serve all of the elected term.
  4. Nominee Information
    1. Have you attended ARIN meetings or otherwise participated in ARIN activities in the past? What did you find the most rewarding from those meetings or activities? What suggestions for improvement do you have?
    2. What areas of Internet number resource policy, if any, need more attention by ARIN, and why?
    3. Aside from the professional experience and expertise detailed above, describe any other specific skills, background, and/or areas of expertise you believe will assist the Advisory Council in carrying out its duties.

Confidential Questionnaire

You are free to make any of the following answers public. However, unless you instruct us otherwise, this information is treated as confidential, and its release will be restricted to the independent third-party vendor and ARIN’s General Counsel and Chief Human Resources Officer. However, if you are assessed as “Unable to Qualify” and you wish to stand for election by petitioning for inclusion on the election slate, ARIN’s General Counsel in coordination with the third-party vendor will create a summary of its assessment that will be included in the notice of petition to the ARIN Membership.

Nominee Home Address:

If ‘Yes’ to any of the below questions, you will be asked to provide specific details in order to assess eligibility. Answering ‘Yes’ to one of these questions will not automatically trigger an assessment of “Unable to Qualify”. Answering untruthfully, however, will.

  1. Have you violated an applicable ARIN code of conduct materially, or in a way that caused another person to bring this violation to your attention in writing? Yes [] or No []
  2. Have you been fired, terminated, or dismissed from a business or organization in the past ten years? Yes [] or No []
  3. Have you ever been convicted of a felony, indictable offense, or similar crime? List date, state, and nature of offense (A conviction will not necessarily disqualify you.) ? Yes [] or No []
  4. Have you ever been disciplined formally for sexual violence or harassment, workplace harassment, or prohibited conduct? Yes [] or No []

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions, please provide additional details:

2024 Nominee Questionnaire for NRO Number Council Nominees

Note: the NRO NC nomination form includes additional contact data collection in addition to the questions below. Contact information will be kept confidential and only used for the purposes of processing a nomination and assessing adherence to residency requirements.

Nominee Questions

  1. Bearing in mind that you run and serve as an individual, rather than representing an organization, is there an organizational/employer affiliation you’d like to state for identification purposes?
  2. Are you available to serve the entirety of a three-year term?
  3. Describe any limitations on your ability to travel to attend ARIN and ICANN meetings in person or participate in scheduled teleconference calls.
  4. The ASO AC holds monthly conference calls and participation is expected of all members. Would participation in these calls present any issue for you?
  5. Why do you want to serve on the NRO NC, and what goals do you want to accomplish?
  6. What, if any, conflicts of interest might arise for you as an NRO NC member? Specifically, do you serve in what could be perceived as any Internet governance roles, provide any services directly or indirectly to ARIN, or represent any significant interest from the community?
  7. What is your record of serving the Internet community in the ARIN region?
  8. What participation do you have within ICANN, in the past and currently? Are you a member of any other ICANN AC or SO?
  9. What differentiates you as a candidate, or makes you uniquely suited to serve on the NRO NC?
  10. Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the NRO NC, including names of organizations, positions held, specific duties, and dates of service.
  11. (Optional) Provide one URL to a social media website of your choice, to foster dialogue with community members.
  12. (Optional) Provide one URL to a web page with biographical information.

Completed questionnaires are due before the close of the nomination period in order to be considered for service on the NRO NC.