Get to Know the Draft Policies Under Discussion at ARIN 44

Get to Know the Draft Policies Under Discussion at ARIN 44

With ARIN 44 (and Halloween) approaching scary fast, we are excited to bring our community together and facilitate one of ARIN’s prime directives: the development of policy by the community for the management of IP addresses and Autonomous System Numbers. Our biannual Public Policy and Members Meetings are the cornerstone of our Policy Development Process (PDP), and they rely upon you, the community, to be successful.

To help newcomers and seasoned veterans alike, below is a look at the Draft Policies and Recommended Draft Policies up for discussion. I have provided a simple explanation of each policy to help you determine those of greatest interest to your organization and where you might want to spend more time catching up on prior discussions.

Note that Recommended Draft Policies are being recommended for adoption, and this may be the last time they are available for community discussion at an ARIN meeting.

For future reference, you can always find the current text of all Draft Policies, and Proposals at our newly renovated policy segment of the ARIN website:

ARIN-2018-6: Clarify Reassignment Requirements in

ARIN-2018-6 clarifies differences between reassignments that are required to have customer Point of Contact (POC) information (detailed reassignments and reallocations) and those that are not (simple reassignments).

ARIN-2019-1: Clarify Section 4 IPv4 Request Requirements

ARIN-2019-1 states that an organization may only apply for IPv4 addresses if they have not received any in the past three months, and have not transferred any space in the past 36 months.

ARIN-2019-3: Update 4.10 – IPv6 Deployment Block

ARIN-2019-3 clarifies that the minimum and maximum block to be issued from this reserved pool is a /24, requests can only be satisfied every six months, and no more than a /21 can be requested total per organization.

ARIN-2019-8: Clarification of Section 4.10 for Multiple Discrete Networks

ARIN-2019-8 clarifies the requirement that any organization, with any number of multiple discrete networks, may request a up to /24 every six months (and a /21 total) from the reserved pool for 4.10 Dedicated IPv4 Block to Facilitate IPv6 Deployment provided they have not received a direct allocation or direct assignment from the reserved pool during the previous six months.

ARIN-2019-10: Inter-RIR M&A

ARIN-2019-10 clarifies the current practice handling of mergers and acquisition transfer processing between RIRs who have compatible transfer policies.

ARIN-2019-15: Hijacking Authorization Not-intended

ARIN-2019-15 states that IP addresses used in an incidental or transient manner are not considered to be a reassignment, and must be authorized for their use.

Draft Policies

ARIN-2019-12: M&A Legal Jurisdiction Exclusion

ARIN-2019-12 clarifies that a surviving legal entity of a merger or acquisition may hold ARIN-issued resources when that entity is incorporated outside the ARIN region.

ARIN-2019-13: ARIN Membership Legal Jurisdiction Exclusion

ARIN-2019-13 permits corporate entities not legally registered within the ARIN region to both request and receive directly registered Internet number resources from ARIN, so long as said entity can demonstrate they have a real and substantial connection to the ARIN region as defined in section 9 of ARIN’s Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM).

ARIN-2019-17: Returned Addresses to the 4.10 Reserved Pool

ARIN-2019-17 would direct all returned IPv4 address space to the IPv6 deployment facilitation pool, while grandfathering in all current IPv4 waitlisted organizations.

ARIN-2019-18: LIR/ISP Re-Assignment to Non-Connected Networks

ARIN-2019-18 would allow organizations to reassign address space to networks that they do not provide connectivity to the Internet, without permanently transferring that space.

Participate in Policy Discussions

ARIN is committed to providing an open community forum for policy development, and that includes lowering barriers of entry of all kinds. New faces and widespread participation are key components in any Regional Internet Registry community, and ARIN is no exception. I hope the information in this post arms even the greenest ARIN participant with the tools they need to participate actively once the microphones turn on.

People from all over the ARIN region and beyond will be participating at the ARIN meeting, but vital opinions need not be conveyed in-person to be effective! If you want a great time- and wallet-friendly option for you and your organization to be heard by the ARIN community, ARIN offers a terrific remote participation experience. We’ll have chat rooms for voicing your opinions during discussions, as well as a live streaming transcript so you won’t miss a beat!

Remote participation is completely free, but be sure to register early! We are using Slack for ARIN 44, and all remote participants will be sent an invitation to create an account to access meeting chat. For details, visit the Remote Participation page. Note that all remote participants are subject to the Remote Participation Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

The ARIN Public Policy Meeting and Members Meeting will be webcast, including discussion sessions for all ten of the above Draft Policies. Once the Public Policy Meeting begins, we make every effort to ensure that policy discussions are held at their scheduled times, and we notify remote participants in the event of agenda changes. Check the meeting agenda for complete schedule details.

To submit your very own Internet number resource policy proposal, just fill out our brief template and send it to Don’t worry about getting the wording of your proposal exactly right – our Advisory Council will work with you directly to help transform your idea into a clear change, removal, or addition to policy text, and get it the community attention it needs to move through the PDP.

Attend Our PDP Webinar!

If you’d like a deep dive into ARIN’s Policy Development Process, I will be hosting a one hour  webinar on Thursday, 24 October. It’s a great webinar to check out, whether you plan to attend ARIN 44 or not, and will include an overview of what Internet number resource policy means to you, steps from proposal to policy, and the key players involved in moving the process along. Register for this free webinar in advance.

Additional resources can be found on the following webpages:

We look forward to seeing you at ARIN 44!

Post written by:

Sean Hopkins
Senior Policy Analyst, ARIN

Recent blogs categorized under: Public Policy

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