Category: Business Case for IPv6

The Business Case for IPv6: Time is Money in E-Commerce
Our business case for IPv6 series continues with another contribution from Lee Howard. He discusses why, for e-commerce and ad-serving sites, the benefit of deploying IPv6 is almost certainly much higher than the cost.

The Business Case for IPv6: Recovering and Monetizing IPv4 Addresses
In the next installment of our Business Case for IPv6 series, we hear from an expert with more than 30 years of experience in networking. Lee Howard explores the benefits of shifting from IPv4 to IPv6 as the basis for network connectivity.

The Business Case for IPv6-Only Enterprise
HexaBuild CSO and Co-Founder Tom Coffeen identifies some potential elements of a business case for enterprise IPv6 deployment based on an IPv6-only approach.

The Business Case for IPv6: Crossing the IPv6 Chasm
Enterprises don’t build or sell Internet products and services, but instead use the Internet as a critical enabler. So how do we make the case for their transition to IPv6? ARIN Community Grant recipient, ARIN 52 Fellow, Founder and President of Saatvik Advisors, and Founder and Director of Saatvik Research E. Marie Brierley discusses how convincing marketing teams may be the key.

Operationalizing IPv6: From Theoretical to Practical
In the next installment of our business case for IPv6 series, we hear from a leader of some of the largest global deployments of IPv6. John Brzozowski explores IPv6’s journey from theoretical to practical and discusses how IPv6 was leveraged operationally to yield meaningful value for both business owners and customers.

The Business Case for IPv6: Internet vs. Intranets
As network operators consider how they will deploy IPv6, they also must establish the business case for doing so — answering the “Why should our organization invest in this transition?” question. Before exploring the many possible scenarios and motivations, ARIN Advisory Council member and TELUS Communications Senior Engineer Matthew Wilder discusses two fundamentally different types of IPv6 deployment.
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