Category: Internet Governance

ARIN Makes Second Contribution to IETF Endowment
ARIN’s second contribution of US$1 million was made to the IETF Endowment today, reflecting the steadfast commitment by the ARIN community to the Internet protocols and related work of the IETF.

The Global Digital Compact: A Top-Down Attempt to Minimize the Role of the Technical Community
This blog post is intended to raise awareness of and highlight the technical community’s concerns about the United Nations (U.N.) Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology’s (OSET) recent comments that appear to overlook an important distinction between the respective roles of the technical community and the civil society in the Internet ecosystem.

Greater Vigilance and Collaboration Needed in Digital Transformation Initiatives
At the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation’s 2023 CTO Forum held 20 February, ARIN’s President and CEO, John Curran, presented a keynote address highlighting growing internet risks and dangers.

ARIN Membership: What’s Changed?
With the introduction of our new membership structure, now more organizations have the opportunity to become an ARIN member and participate in ARIN governance.

Five Cybersecurity Takeaways from the ARIN 48 Keynote and Panel
Five takeaways from the ARIN 48 keynote and panel on cybersecurity issues, from the Colonial Pipeline to the future of network security

NewIP, OTT, and ICTs: Highlights from our Work with the ITU
Our Government Affairs Department shares an update about some of the interesting work they did with the ITU last year, including work on NewIP, OTT, and ICTs.

COVID19 goes viral, the world goes online, finally!
Anne-Rachel Inné, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, shares an update on the important work her department has been involved in over this past year.

GAPP Team Reports on the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2018 (ITU PP18)
The Government Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) Team continues its coverage of international events of importance to ARIN and associated international public policies related to the Internet.
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