ARIN Bits: September 2020
As we head into the fall, many of us are becoming more and more accustomed to staying connected virtually. ARIN is no exception! During these difficult times, we’re continuing to find meaningful ways to stay engaged and interact with our community, and we have a lot lined up to close out the year.
In this edition of ARIN Bits, we share information about the upcoming ARIN 46 Virtual Meeting, on-demand webinars we’ve made available, the 2020 ARIN Elections, tips from our Registration Services Department, and so much more. Missed last quarter’s edition? You can find all past editions on our ARIN Bits page.
Join us for ARIN 46!
Registration is now open for ARIN 46! The ARIN 46 Public Policy and Members Meeting will be spread out over two sets of dates: 14-15 October and 23 October. Just like our last virtual meeting, ARIN 46 will be held via Zoom. We will provide the same remote participation options for ARIN 46 that we usually do for our in-person Public Policy and Members Meetings, utilizing features inside the Zoom webinar platform. We’re also planning a few exciting enhancements that we’re bringing to ARIN 46, which we’ll be sharing more about in a blog post coming soon.
Note that you only have to register once to attend any and all meeting dates!
On 14-15 October, we will be conducting policy discussions and providing ARIN operational reports during the meeting sessions. On 23 October, we will reconvene for the Members Meeting, which is open to all interested individuals. In addition to updates from the Board and Advisory Council, this session will focus on the 2020 ARIN Elections.
In addition to the dates above, don’t forget to save the date for the ARIN 46 Newcomer Orientation and Policy Preview! All registrants will be invited to participate in an optional Newcomer Orientation and Policy Preview on 7 October. We welcome all first-time ARIN meeting attendees to come learn about ARIN and find out how to make the most of your meeting experience.
We hope to see you online for ARIN 46!
Check out the initial slate of candidates for the 2020 ARIN Elections
Elections for two seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees and five seats on the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) will be held online 23 October through 30 October 2020. The 2020 Nomination Committee has put forth the following candidates who have agreed to run for the terms that will begin on 1 January 2021:
Board of Trustees:
- Dan Alexander, Comcast
- Nancy Carter, CANARIE
- Tina Morris, Amazon
Advisory Council:
- Andrew Dul, 8 Continents Networks LLC
- Gary Giesen, CentriLogic Inc.
- Anita Nikolich, University of Illinois
- Gus Reese, Cogent Communications Inc
- Leif Sawyer, GCI Communications Corp.
- Christian Tacit, Tacit Law
- Matthew Wilder, TELUS
At this time, you can view a compilation of candidate biographies and questionnaire responses and submit Statements of Support for the candidates. ARIN will announce a final Slate of Candidates for the ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council no later than 4 October.
Have you checked out our library of on-demand webinars?
Did you know that over the past year, we’ve devoted a ton of time to creating new videos, job-aids, and webinar series? All of these webinars are led by experts within our organization and offer hands-on learning opportunities for our community. We currently have four on-demand webinars available for you to access immediately, with more live webinars planned for later this year.
To learn more about our available on-demand webinars, check out our recent blog post.
Our Featured Policy Requirement:
Inter-RIR Transfers to Specified Recipients (NRPM 8.4)
Did you know inter-RIR transfers of IPv4 addresses can be processed between ARIN and LACNIC? LACNIC now has reciprocal policies which allow organizations to transfer resources between ARIN, APNIC, and RIPE NCC. More information on submitting an 8.4 Inter-RIR Transfer Request can be found on the ARIN website.
In the world of policy development at ARIN…
Number | Title | Status |
ARIN-edit-2020-1 | Clarify Holdings Restriction for Section 4.1.8 Wait List Entries | Pending Implementation |
ARIN-2019-1 | Clarify Section 4 IPv4 Request Requirements | Pending Implementation |
ARIN-2019-12 | M&A Legal Jurisdiction Exclusion | Pending Implementation |
ARIN-2019-20 | Harmonization of Maximum Allocation Requirements under Sections 4.1.8 (ARIN Waitlist) and 4.2.2 (Initial Allocation to ISPs) | Pending Implementation |
ARIN-2019-21 | Reserved Pool Replenishment | Pending Implementation |
ARIN-edit-2020-4 | Clarification of reference to 8.2 in 8.3 | Pending Implementation |
ARIN-2019-10 | Inter-RIR M&A | Last Call |
ARIN-2020-1 | Clarify Holding Period for Resources Received via 4.1.8 Waitlist | Recommended Draft Policy |
ARIN-2020-3 | IPv6 Nano-Allocations | Recommended Draft Policy |
ARIN-2020-5 | Clarify and Update Requirements for Allocations to Downstream Customers | Recommended Draft Policy |
ARIN-2020-2 | Grandfathering of Organizations Removed from Waitlist by Implementation of ARIN-2019-16 | Draft Policy |
ARIN-2020-6 | Allowance for IPv4 Allocation “Swap” Transactions via 8.3 Specified Transfers and 8.4 Inter-RIR Transfers | Draft Policy |
ARIN-2020-7 | 4.4 gTLD Micro-allocation Clarification | Draft Policy |
ARIN-2020-8 | Clarify and Update Annual Renewal Fee | Draft Policy |
You can find the status of current policy discussions on our website and subscribe to ARIN-PPML (Public Policy Mailing List) to voice your opinions. And remember, membership is not required to participate!
New features added to ARIN Online in August
We completed a number of infrastructure improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Upgraded the hardware security modules in our Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) system. This upgrade removed existing restrictions on the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) which prevented users from deleting more than 1400 Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs). (ACSP 2019.2)
- Routing Points of Contact (POC) for an organization will now receive notifications for RPKI actions and reminders such as creating or deleting certificates, adding ROAs, and ROA expiration.
A tip from our Registration Services Department:
Are you looking for the status of your 8.3 or 8.4 transfer request? These types of requests require two parties, a Source and a Recipient, to submit their own tickets to ARIN. We will work with each organization separately on their respective ticket to verify they meet the requirements to transfer resources.
Since we treat every ticket as proprietary and confidential, ARIN analysts will only be able to discuss details about your own ticket with you, but cannot share details about the other organization’s ticket. We recommend that you reach out to the other organization directly to see if they would be willing to share more details about the status of their ticket. Upon receipt of any additional information, ARIN will review the documents and continue working with the specified party to achieve approval for both sides of the transfer.
Check out these Customer and Member Stats (As of 31 August 2020)
- 38,839 total customer organizations, including 6,696 member organizations
- 589 8.3 Transfers and 97 8.4 Transfers completed YTD 2020
- 8.4 Transfers completed YTD 2020: 22 to APNIC, 43 to RIPE NCC, 8 from APNIC, 24 from RIPE NCC
- 59.8% of members have an IPv6 block
See you next quarter!
We’ll be back in December to wrap up the year. See you soon!
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