ARIN 46 Day 3 Virtual Recap
And we’re back with a recap of the final day of ARIN 46 for our Members Meeting! It’s certainly been a unique year, and our ARIN 46 meeting has been no exception. Despite not meeting in Seattle, we had a great time gathering virtually with you all. Today we wrapped up the meeting with speeches and discussions from our candidates in the 2020 ARIN Elections, and we also heard updates about Caribbean outreach and from the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. Let’s “zoom” into today’s recap.
John Curran, ARIN President and CEO, opened up our meeting by welcoming us all back and shared a few announcements. We then hit the “web” running with speeches for candidates running for the Board of Trustees. We have two seats to fill for next year’s Board. Directly following these speeches, John moderated a Board Forum, similar to ones we’ve done in the past. Questions that were pre-selected by the community were asked, and the candidates had the opportunity to share their answers.
Questions asked during the Board Forum:
- Should ARIN’s basic fee structure remain as-is, or do you feel that there are changes needed? If so, what changes?
- What is your view with respect to the role of an RIR in IPv6? Is it to promote adoption of a new protocol, act as a neutral registrar, or something else?
- In your view, how important is Internet industry experience to serving on the ARIN Board?
- Do you believe term limits should apply to ARIN Trustees?
- How active in non-technical Internet governance matters do you think ARIN should be?
Bevil Wooding, Director of Caribbean Affairs, took us into the next segment of the meeting with his Caribbean Update about how we’ve navigated this unprecedented year in the region and how our Caribbean outreach will continue to evolve.
John returned to congratulate the recipients of our 2020 ARIN Community Grant Program. We look forward to seeing how these projects help better the Internet for all. He thanked Steve Ryan for his work as ARIN’s General Counsel, and congratulated Michael Abejuela on his promotion to In-House General Counsel. We also gave a virtual round of applause for Val Winkelman, ARIN’s Director of Financial Services, on her upcoming retirement!
Then, we had a chance to hear from the candidates running for the Advisory Council – we have five seats to fill for next year. When we returned from a break, John moderated the Advisory Council Forum.
Questions asked during the Advisory Council Forum:
- Are there things that you feel need to be changed with the ARIN Policy Development Process?
- As an ARIN AC member, how would you balance your views on policy proposals with those of the ARIN community?
- How do you think we should get more of the community participating in the ARIN policy process?
- Do you believe a role of the Advisory Council should be to write policy to encourage the adoption of IPv6?
Following the forum, we had a chance to hear updates from the AC and Board. Tina Morris, AC Chair, shared her Advisory Council Report to let us know the highlights of the work they’ve been doing this past year. Nancy Carter, Treasurer, was up next with her Financial Report. Paul Andersen, Chair of the Board, finished with the Board of Trustees Report. Paul offered thanks to Chris Woodfield, who will be ending his term on the Advisory Council this December, in addition to once again offering gratitude to Steve Ryan and Val Winkelman for their service to the ARIN community.
We ended the day with an Open Mic session led by John, before we heard closing announcements.
If you missed anything from the first two days of ARIN 46, you can reference the recap.
Voting is now open! Voting in the 2020 ARIN Elections is officially open at 3:00 PM EDT today and will remain open through 5:00 PM ET on 30 October. Visit our Elections page to learn more.
Thank you again to all who made ARIN 46 a wonderful meeting. We look forward to gathering with you in April for ARIN 47, which is currently slated for Tampa, Florida.
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