ARIN 47 Day 2 Daily Recap

ARIN 47 Day 2 Daily Recap

Welcome back to day two of ARIN 47! We had another full day of events and discussions. If you would like to reference anything you’ve seen so far from the meeting, you can visit our meeting materials page. Over the next few days, we’ll add links to the full transcript and webcasts to this page as well. Without further ado, let’s dive right into day two!

All Around the World

John Curran, ARIN President and CEO, welcomed us all back to day two, presented the opening announcements, and set an expectation of what was to come. John Sweeting, Chief Customer Officer, dove right into the first presentation of the day with the Internet Number Resource Status Report. This report is compiled by all five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to give an overview of the status of Internet number resource statistics across all five regions. Chief Technology Officer, Mark Kosters, followed that with a Software Update to inform the community of what our Engineering Department has been busy working on since ARIN 46 and shared plans for the remainder of 2021. Upcoming work includes support for our new Premier Support Services, updates to Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), improved login security, and much more. Next up was Kevin Blumberg, Chair of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC), to share the NRO NC Report. Anne-Rachel Inné, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, came on next to offer some insight into how the Government Affairs Department (GAD) helps strengthen the ARIN Community, and previewed her team’s plans for the coming months. Then we were treated to a series of Global Reports from our fellow RIRs all around the world. We heard from AFRINIC, APNIC, LACNIC, RIPE NCC, and IANA before it was time for a break.

Stretch & Scramble 

During the break, I returned to lead another guided stretch session, which was followed by a lively round of ARIN Word Scramble. After stretching our bodies and minds, we returned to the meeting for some more fun – it was time to discuss policies.

Policy Discussions

Time to Break Out

We ended the meeting with an open mic session followed by closing announcements from Paul Andersen, Board of Trustees Chair. You may remember in past meetings that we would assign various discussion topics to the tables during lunch breaks. In an effort to give our attendees a chance to discuss topics of interest, we hosted six one-hour breakout sessions after the meeting featuring topics including:

  • Terminology in NRPM: Normalizing LIR/ISP/etc.
  • Pandemic Impact on Internet Stakeholders
  • RPKI Deployment Best Practices
  • Joining the Advisory Council
  • NRPM/Policy Suggestions
  • ARIN “Coffee-Chat”

And that’s your high-level look at day two! Thank you to all who participated in the meeting. We look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow for the third and final day of ARIN 47.

Post written by:

A photo of Erin Pratt
Erin Pratt
Social Media and Content Specialist

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