ARIN 48 Day 1 Daily Recap
The day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here: the start of ARIN 48. We were thrilled to open the doors to the meeting and thank everyone who was able to join us virtually. If you want to view any of the meeting materials or presentations, visit our Meetings Material site.
Let’s get to the recap of what happened on Day 1.
A Warm Welcome
ARIN Training Program Coordinator, Beverly Hicks, opened the meeting with greetings to all participants and introduced our Board of Trustees, Advisory Council and the NRO Number Council. She gave lots of tips and tricks to attendees on how to make the best of their meeting experience and went over the general agenda for today.
Advisory Council (AC) Chair Leif Sawyer took us through the AC Docket. Two policies from ARIN 47 were sent to the Board of Trustees and have since been adopted and implemented in the Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM) 2021.2. Multiple proposals have been received since ARIN 47, four of which have advanced to Draft Policy. Sawyer also went over the one Recommended Draft Policy and five Draft Policies to be discussed at ARIN 48.
ARIN’s Director of Registration Services, Lisa Liedel, next delivered the Policy Implementation and Experience Report, requesting guidance from the community regarding ARIN’s current implementation of transfers and multiple discrete networks. No questions or comments were received.
Brad Gorman, ARIN’s Senior Product Owner of Routing Security, gave an update on Routing Security work since ARIN 47. Top of Gorman’s agenda was the NONAUTH IRR shutdown, and he gave lots of helpful information on how members can ask questions or request help from ARIN staff before the NONAUTH IRR shutdown scheduled for 31 March 2022. Gorman also spoke about some of the new RPKI and IRR training materials, including two webinars.
Next, Chief Technology Officer of ARIN, Mark Kosters, delivered a presentation on our Software Updates. He highlighted how we are on track to add 15,000 accounts to ARIN Online this year and reviewed some of recent software releases including a password generator for ARIN Online and a number of new IRR RESTful commands, with more to come. He also talked about how the ARIN Engineering Department has updated the DNSSEC signer boxes and added a cloud instance of the RPKI Repository Delta Protocol, among other things. Kosters explained some of the challenges his team faces, including the time spent reviewing logs and code and brute force login attacks, which he notes is almost a weekly occurrence. Looking ahead to the future, Kosters highlighted that we will be working on adding secure routing enhancements and chipping away at technical debt as well as enhancing operations procedures to comply with up-to-date security certification requirements.
Whew! That was a lot of information to take in. Before we started digging into our three policy discussions, we had a small break. To help loosen up those muscles, we enjoyed a 10-minute guided seated yoga session by Social Media and Content Specialist, Erin Pratt, that was super relaxing and helpful for those long days sitting at the computer. After the stretch, Beverly Hicks was back on the mic to host a quick word scramble. How many words did you unscramble? And do you know how to spell Minneapolis?
It’s Policy Time
With relaxed muscles and a fresh cup of coffee, we then dove into policy discussions. Board of Trustees Chair, Paul Andersen, moderated the discussion. The three policies presented and discussed today were:
- ARIN 2020-6: Allowance for IPv4 Allocation “Swap” Transactions via 8.3 Specified Transfers and 8.4 Inter-RIR Transfers.
- Presented by AC Member Rob Seastrom
- Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2021-2: Special Use IPv4 Space Out of Scope for Purposes of Determining Waitlist Eligibility
- Presented by AC Member Kerrie Richards
- ARIN-2021-3: Private AS Number and Unique Routing Policy Clarifications
- Presented by AC Member Chris Tacit
Taking Us Home
ARIN External Relations Manager, Jennifer Bly, delivered a presentation on our ARIN Community Grant Program and introduced the 2020-2021 recipients who shared their project results. Today we heard from:
- Nalini Elkins with the project: IPv6 Security, Applications, and Training for Enterprises
- Stephen Lee with the project: Build-out of Internet Exchange Points in the Caribbean Region
- E. Marie Brierley with the project: Integrated IPv6 Research
Each of these grant projects produced some fascinating results. Afterward, Hollis Kara, ARIN’s Director of Communications, presented a report on training and outreach, highlighting the completion of our big blog move and some of our planned outreach events for 2022. Look out for lots of fun things on the horizon from ARIN into next year.
After that, ARIN President and CEO, John Curran, opened the microphone for any comments or questions for himself, ARIN staff or Board of Trustees Chair, Paul Andersen. With no questions or comments, Curran officially closed the meeting.
And that’s a wrap for Day 1 – we hope to see you for Day 2 of ARIN 48 tomorrow.
Looking Ahead
These first two day of the Public Policy Meeting are being held virtually, along with our Election Forum on 28 October. But our Members Meeting, scheduled for 4 November, is a hybrid model, which means you can join along either from the comfort of your own home OR from one of the Twin Cities itself — Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Registration is still open for the second day of the Public Policy Meeting as well as the Election Forum and the Members Meeting, so don’t delay!
A Few Tweets from the Day:
Don’t forget to tweet using #ARIN48!
Fun fact from #ARIN48 Since the end of our last meeting - #RPKI participation shows continued growth pic.twitter.com/cHFMlD4m5p
— ARIN (@TeamARIN) October 19, 2021
Day 1 of #ARIN48 was enlightening - delving into the first batch of policies on the docket, hearing reports, and even enjoying a word scribble during the break. Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow! Join us! https://t.co/6JETSFzFmm
— Meri Baghdasaryan (@Meri_Bagh) October 19, 2021
Check out the policy that I will presenting in a few minutes https://t.co/a7q97c1l9E https://t.co/SRM1KRqC4O
— Kerrie The One to Many 🇯🇲 (@KerrieARichards) October 19, 2021
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