ARIN 48 Day 3 Daily Recap

ARIN 48 Day 3 Daily Recap

Election season is upon us, and ARIN is no exception. Day 3 of ARIN 48 was our Election Forum, which was filled with speeches from candidates running for the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council (AC), and the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). We also hosted a live virtual forum where Board and AC candidates answered selected questions from the ARIN community.

Jason Byrne, ARIN’s Senior Customer Success Analyst, hosted the event, and explained how the ARIN Election process works, including how to vote. He also introduced all of the candidates running, who include:

Board of Trustees Candidates

  • Bram Abramson, 32M
  • Dan Alexander, Comcast Cable
  • Jeffrey Bedser
  • Ron da Silva, Quantum Loophole, Inc.
  • Peter Harrison, Colovore LLC

Advisory Council Candidates

  • Jeffry Handal, Cisco
  • Kat Hunter, Comcast LLC
  • Brian Jones, Virginia Tech
  • Karl Morin, Hive Data Center, QIX
  • Amy Potter, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Kerrie Richards, Business Growth Rocket, Young Entrepreneurs Association of Jamaica, ISOC Jamaica Chapter
  • Rob Seastrom, Capital One, ClueTrust
  • Alicia Trotman, CaribNOG
  • Chris Woodfield, Twitter, Inc.,

NRO Number Council Candidates

  • John Barfield, Biss Inc.
  • Chris Quesada

Candidate Speeches

Board of Trustees candidate speeches were up first, then the Advisory Council candidate speeches, followed by the NRO NC’s. These speeches were submitted by the candidates, and you can view them here along with a way to check out statements of support for the candidates. All of the candidates gave thoughtful ideas about the future of ARIN and its governance.

After the speeches concluded, Jason Byrne brought us to break, which featured an ARIN meeting favorite, Social Media and Content Specialist Erin Pratt’s 10 minute yoga stretch. And then it was on to the live virtual Forum!

Candidate Forums

After the break, ARIN President and CEO, John Curran, laid out the rules and structure of the Candidate Forums. He then began with the Board Candidate Forum, asking five questions that had been ranked and submitted by the ARIN community.

The questions asked to Board candidates were as follows:

  • Do you support open elections for Board seats or do you prefer ARIN’s present system with a Nomination Committee as gateway, and why?

  • If the Board is meant to be strategic, what experience do you bring that will help guide ARIN and ARIN staff on its mission?

  • What safeguards (if any) should exist to ensure independence of Board Members from each other and staff?

  • What is the importance of having pre-existing training or experience from other Boards to serve on the ARIN Board?

  • Should ARIN distinguish between the practice of IP Address leasing and the practice of LIRs charging for IP Addresses associated with their services which require the use of IP Addresses (eg. cloud and network providers)?

All five candidates were present to answer each question. To watch the panel of Board candidates, please visit the ARIN 48 Meeting Materials page to view the video recording.

After all of the Board candidates delivered their answers, John Curran gave an opportunity for closing statements, and then moved on to the Advisory Council for their five questions, which were also submitted and ranked by the ARIN community.

The questions asked to the AC candidates are as follows:

  • Currently the “community” is self-selected and is a smaller but focused group of individuals. Do you think the Policy Process should be changed to reflect wider stakeholder views that may be less engaged but more representative?

  • What is the correct mix of skills around the ARIN AC Table?

  • Is the current size of the AC appropriate for the current and expected level of policy?

  • Does the design of the ARIN Nomination Committee favor insiders?

  • Should NRPM distinguish between the practice of IP Address leasing and the practice of LIRs charging for IP Addresses associated with their services which require the use of those IP Addresses (eg. cloud and network providers)?

Seven of the nine candidates were present to answer each question. Once again, please visit the ARIN 48 Meeting Materials page to view the video recording of the Advisory Council candidate forum.

John Curran

After all questions were answered, John Curran officially closed the meeting and reminded attendees to join us at the final day of ARIN 48 – the Members Meeting – held 4 November 2021. There’s still time to register to attend and participate, so don’t hesitate!

Thanks to our Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and NRO NC candidates for participating — and we’ll see YOU at the polls when they open in November!

Post written by:

A photo of Ashley Perks
Ashley Perks
Senior Communications Writer

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