ARIN Advisory Council - 2021 in Review

ARIN Advisory Council - 2021 in Review

As a second year of unprecedented times in the Internet ecosystem comes to a close, your elected Advisory Council (AC) members are wrapping up a productive 2021.

Your elected AC, as always, has been tasked with shepherding policy ideas from the community (that’s you!) and making appropriate recommendations to the Board of Trustees. This year saw the rollout of two new Number Resource Policy Manuals (NRPM) with no less than six adopted Recommended Draft Policies and one Editorial Change.

These implementations represent the culmination of the hard work and dedication of the community, and their elected AC shepherds. Proposal topics ranged from micro-allocations and web accessibility standards to IPv4 Waitlist hold times and reinstatements.

Throughout their journey through the Policy Development Process, we continue to see remarkable and varied input from the Public Policy Mailing List and ARIN meeting attendees, but ARIN continuously strives for more fresh faces! If you have any colleagues or friends in the Internet technical community who have not yet participated in ARIN’s Policy Development Process, ARIN has a great introductory video and detailed on-demand webinar that can bring them up to speed and get them ready for what promises to be a productive 2022.

This year, in addition to their crucial Policy Development Process work, the AC’s three Working Groups continued with their important volunteer workloads.

  • The Policy Development Process Working Group has drafted an update to ARIN’s Policy Development Process, which will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees and community soon. A huge thanks to Amy Potter, Andrew Dul, and Kerrie Richards for their efforts.

  • The NRPM Working Group continues their thorough culling of current policy in the Number Resource Policy Manual as they look for updates, modernizations, streamlining and other opportunities for clearer, more concise, and timely policy language. Many thanks to Joe Provo, Chris Tacit, Matthew Wilder, and Rob Seastrom for their continuous work on a cleaner policy manual.

  • The Policy Experience Report Working Group successfully completed reviews of Policy Experience Reports for the past several years and has submitted any relevant suggestions through ARIN’s Policy Development Process. This work ensures that the community and ARIN staff continue to strive for clear communication and policy so they may work together for the benefit of the ARIN community. Thanks to Alison Wood, Alyssa Quinn, and Anita Nikolich.

The Advisory Council warmly welcomes our two newest recruits, Brian Jones, and prior AC member Chris Woodfield. We’re very excited to start working with them in January. We also want to extend our thanks to outgoing AC member, Gary Giesen, for all of his contributions over the past year. We’ll miss you, Gary — you’re welcome back any time.

Finally, a huge thanks to ARIN Staff for facilitating this Policy Development Process and empowering the community, AC, and Board through another productive year, and thank YOU, the ARIN community, for your eyes, ears, and voices. We look forward to a successful 2022!

Post written by:

Leif Sawyer
ARIN Advisory Council Chair

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