ARIN Membership: What’s Changed?

ARIN Membership: What’s Changed?

At the start of the year, ARIN implemented a new membership structure that created a new customer membership category - Service Members. With the introduction of this new membership structure that includes both Service Members and General Members, more organizations now have the opportunity to become an ARIN member and participate in ARIN governance. Find out more about what this change means for you and how you can take advantage of the membership option that best fits your organization’s needs.

Effects of Fee Harmonization

With the implementation of a new single fee schedule to ensure costs are distributed more equitably, we no longer make the differentiation between ISP and end user organizations. When end user organizations were transitioned to the Registration Services Plan on 1 January 2022, it effectively opened up participation in ARIN governance to them. Now end users, who were previously unable to vote in ARIN elections, may have the opportunity to do so if they elect to become General Members.

Differences between New Membership Categories

The distinguishing characteristic between Service and General Member categories is related to the commitment to vote in ARIN’s elections. Both categories are entities that have a valid ARIN Registration Services Agreement (RSA or LRSA) for IPv4 or IPv6 address space. However, General Members are able to nominate candidates and vote in ARIN elections for both the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. They also must express a commitment to participating in ARIN elections when requesting to be a General Member.

How to Become a General Member

Any Service Member organization may apply to become a General Member by submitting a request and meeting the General Member criteria. From your ARIN Online account, you can access the General Member request form through the ACTIONS drop down menu on your organization information.

We will be reaching out to nearly ten thousand individuals associated with Service Member organizations via their registered Admin Points of Contact in a series of mailings over the next month with information about their eligibility to request General Membership.

How to Maintain General Member Status

General members must participate in ARIN elections to maintain their status.

Participation in ARIN elections is an important way to support the ARIN community, and General Member organizations must have a valid designated Voting Contact and be in Good Standing (no outstanding/overdue fees) 45 days prior to the start of the election to be eligible to vote.

Following the 2023 ARIN annual election and each election thereafter, General Members that did not cast a ballot in any of the previous three ARIN elections will become Service Members. Service Member organizations may reapply for General Member status at any time.

General Members Mailing List

General Members are also eligible to subscribe to and participate in the General Members Mailing List, which is designated for discussions related to ARIN’s governance. To subscribe, please visit our mailing list page. For verification purposes, be sure to use an email address that is associated with a Point of Contact or Voting Contact of a General Member organization.

ARIN is pleased to add an additional option for membership to organizations that were previously excluded from participation in ARIN’s governance. By creating a new category of membership, we hope our members are better able to participate at the level they choose so we can continue to provide the best service possible for all our customers according to their individual needs.

Post written by:

John Sweeting
Chief Experience Officer, ARIN

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